
Adverse Effects of Marijuana to Fetus and Infants

Adverse Effects of Marijuana to Fetus and Infants

Fetal and infant exposure to cannabis  causes  prolonged negative influences in brain development. This is caused by ingestion, inhalation, breast feeding and skin application. The effects are lifelong and can be passed to prodigy.

Symptoms include hyperactivity, delinquent behavior,memory dysfunction and lower I.Q. By adolescence, they experience higher rates of opioid use and other recreational drugs. By adolescence, they have  experience more depression and anxiety, psychotic and schizophrenic behavior.

Cannabis is easily absorbed into the blood- barrier. It adversely affects complex brain functions, such as goal directed behavior and decision making processes.Reduced  social behavior can occur from altercations in several important brain proteins. Females suffer more from aggression and impaired attention than males according to recent research.

Source: Andrew Scheyer, Fetal Effects: The Scientist, January, 2019.


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Research on copper regulation for sleep

Recent research at Berkeley suggests copper regulates sleep. Copper is needed to release the enzyme dopamine hydro-lase associated with nor-epinephrine in the locus coeruleus of the brain, which regulates sleep.

The locus coeruleus is rich with copper. This part of the brain collects sensory info while awake, regulates cerebral blood flow to the brain and is associated with stress, anxiety, emotional sensitivity, attention deficit disorders and post traumatic stress syndrome.

Christopher Chang, at U.C. Berkeley is researching copper modulation in relation to sleep and fatigue disorders. The next step may be elevate copper in this brain region to determine if it enhances sleep.

  Copper is dependent on liver function to eventually become available in the locus coeruleus. Zinc and copper must be balanced on a cellular level for either mineral to be available in  multiple enzyme processes.

There are many foods high in copper, including walnuts, sesame tahini, asparagus, and grapes.

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How to use absolutes and essential oils


Lavender can be worn "neat", which means undiluted like a perfume or cologne,usually on the neck.

lavender oil can be diluted for healing the skin 2 ways.

!. Dilute a few drops in a carrier oil. I use marula and red raspberry carrier oils. A carrier oil is an oil to dilute essential oils. Most essential oils must be diluted. After diluting lavender in a carrier oil, you apply it to the skin, where it's dry, cracked, rashy. Or, you can apply it on your face at night as a moisutrizer. These carrier oils are also good for the skin as a moisturizer.

2. You can dilute 5 drops of lavender in a cup of very warm water and it will diffuse in a room. It helps folks sleep at night or be calmer.

Essential oils are best worn on the skin. It takes pounds of lavender flowers to make an ounce of oil. They are highly concentrated alcohols and terpines. The word oil refers to their oily feeling.  Essential oils work very quickly when they are inhaled, 1/100th of a second. Internally, the stomach and liver have to process all it's properties and the effect is very diluted.

The Jasmine Grandiflora is an absolute. They are worn as natural perfumes. They can be used in a solid wax perfume or diluted with other complimentary absolutes, such as Orange flower. So apply a drop or two on your neck or wrist.

Both Jasmine and Lavender are very calming. They reduce anxiety, moods and every day depression about situations. It takes many pounds of jasmine flowers to make 1/4 ounce of absolute.

You made excellent fragrant choices. I hope this helps and you email or call me with questions.

Happy holidays and every blessing, Judy

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Slimming Petite Fleur Essences

Emotions, hormones,and neurotransmitter messaging signal the body when and what to eat. Petite Fleur  slimming essences enhance our choices of foods and whether we are victims of stress and desires.

Knotted Marjoram Petite helps reduce obsessive and compulsive behavior. Dopamine neurotransmitter can be overactive when we seek pleasure through foods.Knotted Marjoram calms the need for emotional nurturing by replacing premature actions with forethought.

Primrose Petite helps us realize when to stop. More is not better. Primrose reduces sugar cravings, especially from not feeling loved. The need for love and self acceptance can leave an empty feeling food cannot fulfill.

Moss Rose Petite is the essence that helps us realize the empty feeling of lack of  food, money and  possessions, is fulfilled by helping others and ourselves to fulfill goals and dreams.

Self Image helps us realize who we want to be for ourselves and others.  We can choose healthier foods and bring visualization of a slimmer you into reality. Self Image helps us utilize a success consciousness in everything we do.

Weight is a comprehensive blend to help better digestion, body image and endocrine balance. This includes a healthy blood sugar and supportive hormones to avoid cravings and the will for moderation.

Cravings calms the storm of unrealized desires from acting out by overeating and binging on the wrong foods. Cravings also helps reduce food, alcohol and drug excesses. Recent research is proving that drinking alcohol leads to binge eating. Cravings helps us stay away from both.

Weight and body image is a reflection of self esteem and mirror your inner feelings, goals and desires. Allow the Petite Fleur Essences to help bring out the best in you.



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Teenage boys growing breasts

 Boys whose mothers who applied lavender  on them daily are growing breasts as teenagers. This is also happening to young teen boys whose moms diffused lavender daily in their homes. The Male Power therapeutic blend has reduced growth within a few months. Many boys' hormones and breasts are normal after 6-8 months.

Lavender is estrogenic. Teenagers and children exposed to ongoing  lavender essential oil will store this estrogen in body fat and display hormone imbalances during accelerated growth.  It can take years before the results occur. Girls may be at risk for breast cancer, as well as teenage boys.

I use no lavender or other hormone inducing aromas in my children's blends. (See the Mini Me  children's kit). Any scent I use is food grade in minimal amounts. It only takes the first contact with an aroma to benefit from the scent. More is not better. After the receptors in the nose saturate from an aroma, more exposure is mute.

To successfully use aromatherapy, we must understand body chemistry, the chemicals of aromas and how to balance them in the home and work place.

Email your concerns to me at

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Testimonial for Son's Stunted Growth

My son hasn't grown or gained weight, or shoe size in 2 1/2 years. All that you've done for him with nutrition, herbals, and essences has changed everything for the better. He has a great appetite, gained weight and no longer looks sickly. The doctors ran every test imaginable and could not help him. His feet have grown into a larger size for the first time in several years. He has grown about an inch for the first time in years.

From a Mom's heart to another, THANK YOU!

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Chemo Brain

Chemo brain is defined as memory loss, decreased problem solving and attention  deficit. This happens to at least 30% of chemotherapy patients. The memory problems often do not resolve with time. Scientific studies at the University of Kansas indicate that that chemotherapy agents alter the ability to release neurotransmitters responsible for memory, serotonin and dopamine. The neurotransmitters are available, just not released into the neuronal synapse.  Serotonin release is reduced by 55%; dopamine by 42%.

In hospitals and clinics, I have successfully used Recall Memory.This aroma therapy blend is lightly fragrant and assists immediately to restore memory. The blend may be applied or misted as needed or 3x daily for best results.

For more info: 1800 4962125/8172935410

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I buy essential oils from the 4 most popular, prominent companies until I recently bought AromaHealth essential oils. I don't know what you are doing but using your essential oils is a totally different experience. They are so much more than an aroma. Your essential oils smell, support and heal my body on so many levels. My family and friends also have a transformational experience. I cannot completely describe all that happens. I also use much less because of their purity and potency. I know you distill with glass and don't use hexane like other companies.

I originally used the Petite Fleur Essences for immunity with success. I am at stage 4 cancer without medication by choice. I am enjoying my life like never before. Your essential oils, Petite Fleur Essences and aroma blends are great catalysts for my health and longevity.

D. L. in California

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