
Summer Detox

We have at least 700 untested chemicals and environmental toxins contaminating the body. Foods, skincare and the water supply are sources of hidden toxins overwhelming normal body and brain detox, leading to a great increase in illness and poor quality of life and achievement.

4 new AromaHealth Essences are now available to help protect natural immunity and detox, including emotional wellbeing : Nurturing, Inner Peace, Enthusiasm and Dynamic can help you become more productive and emotionally nurturing for yourself and others.

Call or email us your concerns. 

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Chloropicrin Restrictions in Strawberry

California, producing 90% of the U.S. strawberry crop, established stricter rules for chloropicrin. Chloropicrin is a toxic soil fumigant injected into the groun to kill insects. This is done before the strawberries are planted.

Chloropicrin is a dangerous fumigant, irritating the eyes and respiratory tract. California restricts the area and use of the crop to protect workers and nearby residents. The restrictions are more protective than the government.

The buffer zone is now 25 to 100 ft from residents. Application is limited to 40-60 acres daily. The larger numbers reflect tarp usage to limit drift.

Healthy environment activists are petitioning that chlorpicrin be phased out by 2020. They believe rural residents and school aged children, near the strawberry farms, continue to be adversely affected by chloropicrin fumigant.

Source: Chemical and Engineering News, January 26, 2015 




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Is Hemp Protein Gluten Free?

I recently purchased Hemp protein to include into my diet. The first dose caused a reaction, with throat swelling and intestinal distress. When I called the company, I was told hemp doesn't cause allergic reactions. During a short discussion, I was told their hemp protein is grown and processed after wheat. It was not gluten free for that reason.

There are other grains grown under similar conditions, such as quinoa. It is necessary to call the company of origin about the grains you eat and ask what conditions they are grown. Also find out who processes the grain and if any glutenous grains are grown or processed there.Also buy from reputable, longstanding companies, such as Lundberg and Erewhon.

There are digestive aids that can help digest  small amounts of gluten . Not any digestive aid will do. Many digestive aids are made from milk or wheat protein. Check your sources. I'll be glad to help you with any questions, concerns or reputable companies.

It only takes the tiniest amount of gluten to start an autoimmune reaction that can lead to incurable diseases, such as cancer for those with gluten sensitivities. The symptoms are varied and often hard to define as gluten sensitivity.  D.N.A. lab swabs inside your cheeks can tell your physician if you have the genes for Celiac's. The disease has  only been very recently diagnosed and treated correctly. It is up to us as individuals to ensure our best health and nurturing by paying attention to the details of our diet.

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AutoImmune Disease-Crohns

My son is 10 years old.  He has been suffering with Crohn's for over 2 years.  We did everything possible with diet and other therapies-without results.  My sister recommended your Petite Fleur essences so we could avoid immune suppressant drugs.  He missed school and was in pain all the time.  He could not eat without pain and suffering.


We began using your essences and had good results within 1 month.  The next month, we used his special blend, my son improved even more.  He's back in school for 3 months.  He feels like himself again and has no symptoms of inflammation for over 4 months.  We can travel again and look forward to each day.

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Sarcoidosis Testimonial

At 40 years old, Evelyn was diagnosed with sarcoidosis and told she probably had it all of her life. Sarcoidosis is characterized by widespread granulomatous lesions that affect any organ or tissue. Evelyn’s affected her lungs, ovaries and previously lymph nodes. At the time we did a consult and special blend, she had several 1.7cm. Lesions in her lungs with concern for her heart’s health. 

A special blend Is 1 ounce, lasting several weeks. Within a few months of wearing her Petite fleur special blend, individualized for physical, mental and emotional  well being, Evelyn had a cat scan, there is no pulmonary nodules, embolism or edema, her lungs are clear of sarcoidosis as well as her heart and ovaries. Her lymph’s are normal and her blood pressure is normal. Her doctors took her off blood pressure medicine. 

The Petite Fleur essences and essential oil blends catalyze the body’s ability to heal. The body only knows how to heal and heals at its own pace. 

Claim your greatest health in a consult with Dr. Griffin and unique healing blend.


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Common Symptoms of Lupus

Common Symptoms of Lupus


Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease of the connective tissue affecting the skin, nerves, joints, kidneys and mucosa. Symptoms and occurrence vary greatly. Intermittent fever, malaise, butterfly rash across the nose, joint pain and Raynaud’s are the most common symptoms. However, lupus can mimic many symptoms and diseases. Symptoms differ in many people.


The following symptoms are accompanies by Petite Fleur Aromahealthtexas suggestions:


1-Painful, swollen joints: No More Pain Lotion


2- Intermittent fever: Cold & Flu Petite Fleur , Elderberry herbal


3- Unusual hair loss, allopecia: Hair Growth aroma that heals, Rosemary ShampooMore Hair Complete Conditioner


4- Raynaud’s (cold blue fingers/toes): Circulation Booster Body LotionCirculationCirculate Aroma that Heals


5- Sensitivity to Sun: Environment, Protection Herbal AromaHealthTexas, Vitamin D3 1000, Lavender Lotion , Rose Gardenia Moisturizer Face Cream , Rose Nectar Moisturizing Spray 


6- Extreme Fatigue: FatigueEnergy


7- Swollen Glands and/or Fever: Cold & Flu Petite Fleur, Elderberry herbal, Echinacea Petite Fleur Herbal, Thyme Petite Fleur Herbal


8- Red Rashes, Mostly Facial: Comfrey Yarrow Healing Cream, Diuretic Herbal


9-Chest Pain with Deep Breathing: DecongestPenta Petite Fleur


10-Swollen Legs: Circulation Booster Body Lotion


11-Swelling around the Eyes: Sweet Annie under Eye Cream


12-Low Blood Count: Echinacea HerbalEchinacea Petite Fleur, Dianthus Petite Fleur Blend


13-Depression: SamE Petite Fleur CapsulesRed Rose Petite FleurHarmony Petite       FleurRelaxation, Deep Sleep Petite Fleur, Foti Herbal


14-Memory and Thinking: Clear Thinking, Melissa HerbalRecall Memory, Learning Skills


15-Nephrytis, Kidney Toxicity: DandelionDetox Petite Fleur, Juniper Berry Herbal, Siberian Ginseng Herbal


16-Vasculitis, Inflammation of Blood Vessels: Vascular HerbalYarrow Petite FleurLymph Flow Lotion


17-Blood Clot Risk: Dianthus Petite Fleur, Circulation Booster Body Lotion, Circulation Herbal


18-Pneumonia/leuritis: Cold & Flu Petite Fleur, DecongestStrong Lung Herbal, Cough Herbal


19-Anemia: Dianthus Petite Fleur, Liver Herbal


20-Low White Cells: GaillardiaBlue Aster Petite Fleur


21-nsomnia: Deep Sleep Petite Fleur


For an appointment with Dr. Griffin call 1-800-496-2125

For product information go to:


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Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle Cell Anemia is an inherited disease causing sickle shaped red blood cells, leading to a variety of acute and chronic conditions. One in 500 black children and one in 36,000 Hispanic children have sickle cell anemia.

Ischemia pain, caused by restricted blood flow, can be reduced by applying Circulation Booster lotion along with Manage Pain blend.

Increased infection may be helped by Cold/Flu blend and Decongest aromablend, which may also help lung pain. Antibiotics and related medicine are compatible with these products.

Necrosis of the hip and joints may be helped with No More Pain lotion applied 3 times daily.

Leg ulcers may be soothed with Comfrey Yarrow Healing Cream and Lavender Lotion.

Pulmonary hypertension is aided with Reduce Stress blend and Lymph Flow lotion.

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Reduce Stress Testimonial

 I use Reduce Stress daily.  I suffer from anxiety and irritable bowel.  I have improved so much that I am able to eat more foods, even cheese, and care for my husband and family.  I love the scent and wear Reduce Stress 2 to 3 times daily, depending on my stress levels.

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Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease results from low dopamine levels in the brain resulting in a chronic nervous system disease.  Symptoms include tremors, expressionless face, slow speech and muscular rigidity.  Exposure to a fungicide called Maneb and the herbicide Paraquat increased the risk of Parkinson's by 75%.  ADHD children and adults also have low dopamine levels. 

Energy therapeutic blend   raises low dopamine levels and immediately enhances stamina.  Apply or spray 3 xs daily. 

  Alert aroma blend immediately awakens the brain and energy levels.  Apply to the temples or base of the throat.   

 Circulation Body lotion reduces nerve tingling and muscle rigidity, massaged onto the limbs 3x daily.   



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