
Transforming Stress and Anxiety

AromaHealth blends can help retrain the brain, affecting trauma , anxiety depression and many physical symptoms and life threatening diseases. Learn how Inner Voice, Inner Critic, Inspiration and Free the spirit remove boundaries and restrictions to allow the parasympathetic response to attract positive enrgy into the body/mind. Continue reading

Slimming Petite Fleur Essences

Emotions, hormones,and neurotransmitter messaging signal the body when and what to eat. Petite Fleur  slimming essences enhance our choices of foods and whether we are victims of stress and desires.

Knotted Marjoram Petite helps reduce obsessive and compulsive behavior. Dopamine neurotransmitter can be overactive when we seek pleasure through foods.Knotted Marjoram calms the need for emotional nurturing by replacing premature actions with forethought.

Primrose Petite helps us realize when to stop. More is not better. Primrose reduces sugar cravings, especially from not feeling loved. The need for love and self acceptance can leave an empty feeling food cannot fulfill.

Moss Rose Petite is the essence that helps us realize the empty feeling of lack of  food, money and  possessions, is fulfilled by helping others and ourselves to fulfill goals and dreams.

Self Image helps us realize who we want to be for ourselves and others.  We can choose healthier foods and bring visualization of a slimmer you into reality. Self Image helps us utilize a success consciousness in everything we do.

Weight is a comprehensive blend to help better digestion, body image and endocrine balance. This includes a healthy blood sugar and supportive hormones to avoid cravings and the will for moderation.

Cravings calms the storm of unrealized desires from acting out by overeating and binging on the wrong foods. Cravings also helps reduce food, alcohol and drug excesses. Recent research is proving that drinking alcohol leads to binge eating. Cravings helps us stay away from both.

Weight and body image is a reflection of self esteem and mirror your inner feelings, goals and desires. Allow the Petite Fleur Essences to help bring out the best in you.



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Weighless Aromablend Appetite Suppressant

Weighless Aromablend is a subtle and effective appetite suppressant. It allows you to eat and enjoy holiday and special foods without overeating. Modifying eating habits and amounts not only keeps the extra weight off, but also enhances longevity and quality health. Wear a few drops of Weighless Aromablend on your neck or throat 2-3 x daily and allow your body to let you know when to eat and stop eating. Weighless Aromablend also calms the mind so it does not over ride your natural appetite. The one ounce bottle will last for months and you will enjoy the way you look and feel.

For more help with keeping weight off, also wear Weight  and Cravings Therapeutic Blends. Weight  helps balance endocrine and blood sugar, while enhancing metabolism. Cravings helps reduce sugar and other cravings, such as salt. Too much of a good thing is.... !

For diet and behaviour modification Slice of Life Diet handbook will help get you into shape. I have clients who lost over 100 pounds in several months using the guidelines in this handy little book. Included are charts of vitamin and mineral content in food. Vegetarian and many menus are available with recipes you can enjoy while losing weight and inches.

Walking and exercise are included in Slice of Life Diet. However, recent research has proven exercise alone won't reduce fat and enough calories to reach your goals. It's a good time to team up with several stress free ways to get the results to tip the scales in your favor.

For private consultation and a personal aroma blend, contact Judy Griffin at 1800 496 2125 or

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