
Quality Rose Oil Skincare and Self Care

Rose oil products are the most natural way to improve skin. Properties are anti-inflammatory helping to calm eczema, rosacea. and dry or chapped skin. The oil is also anti-bacterial, reducing acne causing bacteria.

High quality rose skincare minimizes fine lines, evens skin tone and leaves skin smooth and silky to touch. Aging spots lighten and diminish over time.

Rose oil can also improve mood, increase relaxation and reduce nervousness. Topically, or by inhalation, it releases sphineterin, a hormone used to reduce headache, menstrual discomfort and increase "feel good" endorphins.

In hospitals over 44 years, I used our rose blends, such as Harmony blend, to reduce loneliness, fears, pain and breathing difficulties. The AromaHealth blends were also used before and after surgeries to reduce pain, help normalize blood pressure, breathing and increase recovery time. Loved ones also enjoyed rose blends to increase hope, reduce fears and exhaustion. Nurses and therapists wore the blends to reduce stress and increase stamina. They are courageous caretakers.

Rose oil and products carry the highest vibrational enhancing properties of all plants and essential oils. allow Aroma Health products to create a self-nurturing environment for you and loved ones. 

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Remember Me to the Roses : Antique Rose Collection eBook

For over 44 years I have researched and documented how roses affect every part of our major cultures since ancient times. Roses were used in prayer, foods and beverages, medicines, skincare, haircare, natural perfumes, celebrations, births, deaths, emotional trauma and to attract lovers. ancients understood roses to raise and intensify life experiences in beautiful ways.

My Mother used to soak roses my Dad grew in water and drink the water, saying "it makes you feel good", but how?

I remember from physics that everything living has an electromagnetic frequency and is in constant motion. All is measured in a standard system of units as electromagnetic radiation and sound waves that pass a point in 1 second. Hertz measures 1 wave cycle per second. Kilohertz measures 1000 waves per second of sound. Megahertz measures 1 million sound waves per second of sound.

A wavelength is measured between the distance of crests or peaks. The shorter the wavelength, the the higher the frequency will measure. This frequency is a measurement of  constant vibration motion of sound. For example, 1 megahertz is close to the center of A M broadcasting radio waves.

Megahertz measures sound waves beyond human hearing. Ultrasound exceeds 200 megahertz. Cats and dogs can hear sound on the lower end of of ultrasound. Very high frequency is used in medical imaging for MRI and PET scans.

In comparison, Roses, especially antique roses, have the highest plant frequency at 320 megahertz! Lavender, another lovely herb with fragrance is 118 megahertz. Compare these measurements to humans, resonating from 5 to 16  megahertz. For a human to experience joy, happiness, 30 megahertz is needed. It only takes 40 megahertz to enhance the frontal cognitive thinking mode.

Roses and other flowers have a consciousness that raises our frequency to enjoy more in life. They sense our feelings, pain and energy. This is called Primary Perception. Plants see light and color. Recently, scientists have discovered plants can make neurotransmitters without having a brain. They may be instrumental in finding ways to change brain chemistry affecting many diseases in the future.

Roses communicate their aroma to us in 1/100th of a second, raising our frequency in ways we experience as joy, alertness, increased awareness and compassion.

In my research in hospitals, clinics and private practice and experiences, I used antique rose and flower essences to beneficially affect personality traits, self talk and help recuperating from emotional and physical trauma. Roses reduce triggers from painful memories, allowing the personality to correct deficiencies and experience greater success.

The effects are immediate, yet subtle and profound. One mother, bought a rose essence for her son, who politely refused it. She decided to wear it. Weeks later, I met her again and hardly recognized her. She was radiant and beautiful, moving through life challenges with grace. Her son had recently decided to use the essence also. She came for a refill.

a friend was putting 2 drops of a rose essence in her husband's coffee to enhance his mood. son didn't believe it could help until they were stuck in a Dallas- Ft. Worth airport traffic jam. As her husband's mood changed for the worse, her son exclaimed, " Get the drops, Mom!".

Roses affect us in many beneficial ways. Explore hundreds of recipes, remedies, foods, beverages, aromas, skincare, pet and child care using roses you can also learn to grow and enjoy. These roses originated millions of years ago and evolved to support and celebrate humans and nature. You will never look at roses the same way after reading Antique Rose Collection with over 100 colored photos of the most ancient to modern roses.

www.aromahealthtexas Antique Rose Collection eBook.








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Lemon Rose Clarifier clears acne

Lemon Rose Clarifier reduces complex conditions leading to acne.Ninety percent of civilized people develop acne during their lifetime. Recent research suggests Propionibacterium acnes initiates inflammation of the skin. This  results in excessive oil production and large mounts of dead skin and/or cysts. Although many conditions exist with acne, the primary target is to reduce inflammation and oil reduction of the skin. Lemon Rose Clarifier reduces several strains of P. acnes and oil production simultaneously to prevent and heal acne.

Lemon Rose Clarifier is misted on the affected skin morning and evening after thorough cleansing. Always avoid the eyes. Lavender silk and satin body and shower cleanser can be successfully used for deep pore cleaning. And, for added protection and regeneration, Rose oil SkinTherapy may also be misted on the skin at bedtime.

It's simple, easy and effective. Clients enjoy results within days , continuing for weeks. Cancer patients using chemotherapy agents causing acne also enjoy good results using Lemon Rose Clarifier.I have used these products therapeutically for over 30 years successfully. No adverse side effects have been reported. However, it is best to test a patch of skin with product to assure there is no sensitivity. The plants are grown organically and processed from my gardens without chemicals.

To learn more safe and effective remedies and recipes, go to for the following books by Judy Griffin, PhD.:

Mother Nature's Herbal; Flowers that heal; Herbs for Health and Beauty; Aromasignatures

Other sources include: No Easy Answers, by Elizabeth k. Wilson: Chemical and Engineering News:American Chemical Society, March 3, 2014.


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The Medicinal Rose - Blog 21

The Medicinal Rose - Blog 21


Roses have been successfully used for many centuries. Rose oil has a harmonizing effect on the psyche and moods. It balances the emotions and regulates overactive emotional responses. If the emotional nature is oversensitive or non- responsive, rose oil brings into balance. Rose oil acts as a relaxing tonic, reducing many complaints.

            Rose is known to reduce skin outbreaks. A pure rose oil or absolute is applied topically to shingles twice daily undiluted. The aroma will also reduce tension.

            I use rose oil in 84 blends in private practice and as complimentary therapy in hospitals. The blends reduce many symptoms, as well as keeping maternity patients balanced and happy as they await a joyous arrival. Rose oil blends well with any essential oils without overpowering a blend. I used rose oil to anoint my mother as she passed to the other side. As a room spray, rose oil kept all of us calm and patient Rose oil blends helped alleviate grief and depression as I continued without her.

            Women appreciate rose oil to keep them happy throughout the month. It alleviates occasional sadness, mood swings, angry outburst, and the bloated feeling associated with the menstrual cycle. Rose naturally strengthens the uterus to prepare women for pregnancy.


To Alleviate Pelvic Symptoms

In 2 ounces of carrier oil, add:

10 drops Rose Oil

1 drop Clary Sage

4 drops Roman Chamomile

1 drop Angelica root

Bottle in dark glass and a screw cap for several days before messaging the pelvic and abdominal area to alleviate cramping. Repeat every 30 minutes until symptoms abate.


To Alleviate Menstrual Discomfort

In 2 ounces of carrier oil add:

5 drops Rose, increase up to 10 drops for a dominant rose scent.

5 drops Cypress

3 drops Sandalwood

1 drop Yarrow oil

Bottle in dark glass with a screw cap. Allow curing at least 3 hours before messaging the abdomen and pelvis. Repeat every 15 to 30 minutes until flow decreases. Do not drink chamomile or ginger teas.








For Delayed or Missed Menses

In 2 ounces of carrier oil add:

6 drops of Rose

1 drop of Basil

1 drop of Fennel seed

3 drops Coriander seed

Bottle in dark glass with a screw cap. Allow curing at least 24 hours before messaging the pelvis and abdominal area 2 times daily. Do not use if pregnancy is a possibility.


For Irregular Menses

In 2 ounces of carrier oil add:

10 drops Rose

3 drops Geranium

1 drop Fennel

1 drop Rosewood

Bottle in dark glass with a screw cap. Allow curing at least 3 days before messaging the pelvis everyday. It can take 3 months to achieve balance.


Mood Swings and PMS depression

In 1 ounce of carrier oil add:

5 drops Rose

3 drops Bergamot

5 drops Ylang ylang extra or absolute (the absolute aroma is stronger)

1 drop Pink Grapefruit (Citrus deucumana)

2 drops Peru Balsamar or Tonka bean

Bottle in dark glass with a screw cap. Allow curing at least 1 hour, up to 3 days. Massage on neck, throat, and sternum (upper chest). It is best to have this blend ready and available when needed. It can be worn everyday or as needed. This blend also helps post partum depression. Always get the physician’s approval as applicable.


Occasional Depression in Men

In 1 ounce of carrier oil add:

6 drops Rose

1 drop Patchouli

1 drop Pink Grapefruit or Bergamot (both appear to stimulate serotonin) Bottle in dark glass and cap. Cure 3 hours or more and massage on face, neck, and chest.


Mood Swings for Men


Oh, yes, men have mood swings. It’s alright to offer this simple solution. The following aromas are very balancing.


In 1 ounce of carrier oil add:

5 drops Rose

3 drops Ylang ylang extra or absolute

3 drops Tonka bean(Dipterix odorata)

Note: 1 drop of Angelica root may be added to increase stamina, grounding “earth” energy; reducing weakness and indecision. The aroma is very strong. Only use 1 drop to prevent overwhelming the other lighter aromas in this blend. Readjust the blend by adding more rose if necessary. Bottle in dark glass with a screw cap. Cure 3 hours or longer before messaging neck, face, and chest.


Tension Headaches

Use this blend to reduce tension in the face, neck, and shoulders, or when a tension related headache occurs.

In 1 ounce of carrier oil add:

6 drops Ylang ylang extra or absolute0extra is very sweet and lighter than the absolute).

4 drops Rose

1 drop Lemon grass, or Litsea culeba for a hint of lemon aroma.

2 drops Lavender

2 drops Candalwood(to harmonize the blend, and as a fixative).

Bottle in dark glass with a screw cap. Allow cure 3 hours to 3 days. Message onto neck, shoulders, temples, and forehead.

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Rose Oil Mud Masque

Therapeutic Rose Oil Mud Masque


Would you like to know one of Cleopatra’s beauty secrets?  Healing clay has been used therapeutically (on the skin) by indigenous and the most ancient cultures for thousands of years.  Medicinal clay removes impurities through the skin and eliminates toxins, healing boils, ulcers, acne, seborrhea and even Candida fungal infections.  Recently, healing clay is used topically for multi-strain-resistant staph and superbugs due to its great antibacterial properties.


AromaHealthTexas has added organically grown, handpicked, steam distilled and hand separated inglass rose oil.  Rose oil soothes and balances every tupe of skin, from dry to oily, adding deodorant and more antibacterial properties to healing clay.


The aromatic properties of rose oil soothes the nerves, reducing anxiety and depression, increases endorphins, enhancing happy moods and has been used to mend broken hearts.  Rose oil also stimulates dopamine, known to be deficient in Parkinson’s disease.  It stimulates energy and helps reduce the severity of menopausal, PMS and female complaints.


Look good and feel good with Rose Oil Mud Masque



For more information and to purchase, please contact Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125 or visit our website at

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Organic Rose Oil Benefits to Reduce Chemotherapy Side

There are many benefits of Organic Rose Oil to reduce chemotherapy side effects. Over 13 years ago, I was invited to develop an aromatherapy program for Baylor Hospital’s Healing Program in Dallas, Texas. I developed rose oil blends to reduce nausea, anxiety, mental and emotional stress, neuropathy and other discomforts from chemotherapy. Very shortly thereafter, I was given the go ahead to start the program for the stem cell and bone marrow transplants, who have the most symptoms.
I began by using Harmony, a blend of organically grown, hand separated rose oils from antique roses I grow and steam distill in glass on site. The aroma is light and lifts quickly and enhances the benefits of rose oil to reduce chemotherapy side effects.
Chemotherapy recipients are sensitive to strong odors. The light scent of these rose oils have a relaxing, DE-stressing effect. Harmony contains oil from several roses and small amounts of Petite Fleur Essences, blended to enhance self healing processes for the recipient. The scent lifts quickly to avoid overwhelming the patient. The effect was immediate for most patients.
Since chemotherapy patients detox through the skin, I suggested application of  rose oil blend to be lightly massaged on the inner ear, avoiding the ear hole.* (*See The Healing Power of Flowers documentary and Flowers that Heal by Dr. Judy Griffin.) This location is where 5 major nerve ganglia join and directly affect the brain. Ancient healing modalities call this location the “path to the soul.” The inner ear does not interfere with detoxification or chemotherapy. However the program has been so successful in reducing chemotherapy side effects, I expanded my rose oil blends to every patient. The program is voluntary throughout the hospital’s healing program for patients.
The benefits of organic rose oil for chemotherapy side effects include pain reduction. One female patient did not want to use pain medications because she suffered side effects. She used the Harmony as needed to reduce pain throughout her treatment. She refused all pain medications by using Harmony and successfully completed treatment and therapy. (See the Healing Power of Flowers documentary.)
As patients continued to improve, live longer and suffer less side effects, I was asked to make organic rose oil blends for several other programs. For cancer programs, I developed Self Image rose oil blend to reduce the psychological suffering of hair loss and lessening of self-esteem. For chronic pain and sickle cell programs, I developed Stop Suffering rose oil blend. Fatigue rose oil blend was created for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue patients. Cravings was blended for food and substance abuse programs.Transitions was developed for palliative care. Maternity for expectant mothers requiring hospital treatment. Relaxation and Recovery are used before and after cancer and day surgeries. Deep Sleep helps restore natural sleep patterns. Regenerate helps reduce scarring. Mobility reduces bone and arthritic symptoms. Grief helps recover from the loss of life, body parts, limbs and loved ones. Each blend is unique, all containing organic rose oil and catalyze the natural self- healing process.
The Harmony and rose oil blends have since traveled to different hospitals and many countries. I have lectured at the “NEAT” breast cancer program at hospitals in Fort Worth, Texas and cancer support groups of every nature. The rose oil blends have traveled to conferences in Findhorn, Scotland; Zurich, Switzerland and London, England. In London, I lectured with Dr. John Lee, pioneer of natural progesterone therapy.
The rose oil blends are available at Please direct your questions by phone to me at 1-800-496-2125.
The benefits of organic rose oil to reduce chemotherapy side effects can be applied to most illnesses and symptoms. These aromatherapy products may be used along with medications.
The Healing Rose, Country Living Magazine, June 2000 Vol 23 N. 6
The Road to Healing, Flowers are Forever Magazine, pages 64-67
HarmonyHarmony X Continue reading
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