
Summer Detox

We have at least 700 untested chemicals and environmental toxins contaminating the body. Foods, skincare and the water supply are sources of hidden toxins overwhelming normal body and brain detox, leading to a great increase in illness and poor quality of life and achievement.

4 new AromaHealth Essences are now available to help protect natural immunity and detox, including emotional wellbeing : Nurturing, Inner Peace, Enthusiasm and Dynamic can help you become more productive and emotionally nurturing for yourself and others.

Call or email us your concerns. 

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Chloropicrin Restrictions in Strawberry

California, producing 90% of the U.S. strawberry crop, established stricter rules for chloropicrin. Chloropicrin is a toxic soil fumigant injected into the groun to kill insects. This is done before the strawberries are planted.

Chloropicrin is a dangerous fumigant, irritating the eyes and respiratory tract. California restricts the area and use of the crop to protect workers and nearby residents. The restrictions are more protective than the government.

The buffer zone is now 25 to 100 ft from residents. Application is limited to 40-60 acres daily. The larger numbers reflect tarp usage to limit drift.

Healthy environment activists are petitioning that chlorpicrin be phased out by 2020. They believe rural residents and school aged children, near the strawberry farms, continue to be adversely affected by chloropicrin fumigant.

Source: Chemical and Engineering News, January 26, 2015 




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