Teenage boys growing breasts

 Boys whose mothers who applied lavender  on them daily are growing breasts as teenagers. This is also happening to young teen boys whose moms diffused lavender daily in their homes. The Male Power therapeutic blend has reduced growth within a few months. Many boys' hormones and breasts are normal after 6-8 months.

Lavender is estrogenic. Teenagers and children exposed to ongoing  lavender essential oil will store this estrogen in body fat and display hormone imbalances during accelerated growth.  It can take years before the results occur. Girls may be at risk for breast cancer, as well as teenage boys.

I use no lavender or other hormone inducing aromas in my children's blends. (See the Mini Me  children's kit). Any scent I use is food grade in minimal amounts. It only takes the first contact with an aroma to benefit from the scent. More is not better. After the receptors in the nose saturate from an aroma, more exposure is mute.

To successfully use aromatherapy, we must understand body chemistry, the chemicals of aromas and how to balance them in the home and work place.

Email your concerns to me at petitefl@aromahealthtexas.com

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