
New Texas Wildflower Petite Fleur Essences

 Texas Wildflowers enhance a reservoir of energy  for creative change, transformation and greater health. Texas has 5000 species of wildflowers, attracting butterflies, bees, hummingbirds and beneficial wild life. 

We make essences from an abundant source that find a home in our gardens. We will introduce these essences throughout 2022.

Texas Star Hibiscus, helps us stay fully engaged, focusing on what is important with an open heart. Empowerment is spontaneous. Emotions and fears are not labeled good or bad. we are here to make a difference in positive ways.

The energy supports collagen. Myricetin antioxidant  reduces collagen and elastin breakdown of skin, encouraging hydration. Analgesic properties relax muscles in the bladder and uterus, support hormone balance, blood pressure and cholesterol. Kidneys and liver are supported by normalizing blood flow.

Buffalo Rose supports planning and decisions with an ability to understand all possibilities. It helps the personality that pushes the limits. Remaining flexible while overcoming limitations promotes a new vision for the future. The flower promotes nitric oxide production, encouraging healthy vascular endothelium health. As tension releases, better sleep habits, saliva production, breathing and release of stiffness occurs.

The tubular roots are a famine survival food. They taste like sweet potato.

Blue Mist helps those affected by emotional hooks from others, keeping them emotionally invested in some time of relationship. Security, money, power, appearance, popularity may keep the unhealthy relationship cloaked in illusion. Fear of rejection is also a hook. Letting go of these relationships  increases longevity by  reducing heart disease, normalizing cortisol levels, blood pressure, immunity and moods. Chronic fatigue begins to resolve.

Texas Oxeye enhances self restraint, endurance, fortitude, composure and stability. It helps with symptoms of hay fever, whooping cough, cervical ulcerations, spasms, over excitability, jaundice, and helps with diuresis.

Texas Mallow fine tunes energy channels and well-known for antiaging properties. It is also a survival food, both leaves and especially berries. It supports insulin, flavonoids, vitamins c, e and beta carotene, polysaccharides, omegas 3 and 6, and proinflammatory mediators to protect kidneys from vanadium toxicity and liver damage. It is helpful for interstitial cystitis, bladder and kidney balance.

Mealycup helps those with regrets and helps make better choices in the future. It helps those with obsessive thoughts and self defeating attitudes and actions. Regrets robs us of the present moment and creates inflammatory reactions throughout the body. It is rich in rosmaric acid, which prevents lipid peroxidation. In research, it is cytotoxic for hepatocellular, non tumor carcinoma, cervical carcinoma, MCF-7 breast cancer cells, gram + and negative, multi drug resistant leukemic cells.

Golden Phoenix brings out natural born leaders and opportunities to help many problems. The essence is regenerative, helping people with cartilage degeneration, plantar fasciitis, bone density, sports injuries, recovery from wounds, liver regeneration.

 Autumn Sage helps those with low energy, often dependent on caffeine to complete the day. The essence helps to build reserve energy for those with possible low blood pressure, digestive issues, anxiety, insomnia, poor circulation to extremities, carpul tunnel and rotor cuff injuries.

It is a survival food. The flowers are sweet and the leaves have a lemony flavor.

October skies helps with fresh, new starts, keeping a good attitude and being ready to go with a cheerful disposition. This is a good essence for thinning skin, used over time, IBS, nervous exhaustion, moving rheumatic pain, dizziness and prone to headaches and colds.

Firewheel helps those living on edge with little time or energy for nurturing. The essence helps manage time and  shift attention to more subtle processes. It helps us understand how our emotions are connected to Nature and the environment and how cells communicate within us. This can highlight the root of an imbalance or disharmony. It helps avoid cardiovascular issues, strokes and acute symptoms, such as asthma and pneumonia by experiencing a deep connection within.

Gray Vervain helps those who often expect poor outcomes in life's challenges. The essence encourages a relaxed mind, willing to learn and build endurance. Tension  and aging can create rigid joints, low backaches, and weak knees and hips. The properties of this flower can protect against antibiotic resistance and fungal problems by neutralizing toxicity. It has also been used historically for gum inflammation.

Pink Prairie Primrose encourages social intelligence and relationship responsibility. Sometimes what we don't like about others we also do ourselves. The essence helps us utilize humility, advise, curiosity and compassion in all relationships. It has been used for hair loss, delaying bone loss, brittle nails, headaches, balancing blood sugar swings and healthy blood pressure. Like compassion, give this essence time to promote balance.

Applemint is our latest natural fragrance, often aiding in weight loss. It helps reduce food born illness, colic, cramps and GI distress. The energy helps break down fats and enhance metabolism, reduce travel sickness, and refreshes the mind. Applemint keeps us calm instead of frustrated and alert driving. Historically, it was used for fatigue after epilepsy.

Protection is our newest combination, fragrant essence blend. It combines the uplifting aroma of Himalayan cedar with Neroli to help prevent fears, fatigue, moodiness, anxious, depressed and stress responses. 

We use it before and after Stored Trauma to help achieve deep desires and personal goals. It has been used to regulate fatty acids, reduce alcohol cravings, reduce phobias and negative responses from others. With the union of a loving heart and creative mind, it promotes inner most feelings of security.


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Summer Detox

We have at least 700 untested chemicals and environmental toxins contaminating the body. Foods, skincare and the water supply are sources of hidden toxins overwhelming normal body and brain detox, leading to a great increase in illness and poor quality of life and achievement.

4 new AromaHealth Essences are now available to help protect natural immunity and detox, including emotional wellbeing : Nurturing, Inner Peace, Enthusiasm and Dynamic can help you become more productive and emotionally nurturing for yourself and others.

Call or email us your concerns. 

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Yucca Root for Arthritis, Hyperlipidemia and Rheumatic Pain

Yucca Root for Arthritis, Hyperlipidemia and Rheumatic Pain

by Dr. Judy Griffin


Yucca root (Liliacea species) is a desert plant, Native Americans used for arthritis and rheumatic pain. Desert tribes split the yucca root in two and allowed the root to dry. The dried yucca root was ground into a powder and boiled in water and drunk to alleviate arthritic and rheumatic pain. Collect the roots in the fall.


Arthritic pain is usually local, in a joint, hip, or back. Rheumatic pain can move as the inflammation travels. Yucca root contains natural, vegetable steroids that assist the body in reducing inflammation that causes pain. The high saponin concentrations may suppress intestinal flora involved in joint inflammation.  Yucca root also contains polyphenolics, such as resveratrol, which reduces inflammation and increases longevity by reducing inflammatory nitric oxide. The root also reduces free radicals that cause inflammation. The white colored, inner yucca root has the highest saponin content.


Yucca root forms complexes with abnormal bowel flora making them inert. The soapy-like texture of saponins binds fats in the intestinal tract, reducing LDL’s, cholesterols, and triglycerides. Yucca root also binds ammonia in the colon, reducing liver stress and toxicity, especially from high protein/high fat diets. If constipation is involved with pain or high lipids, yucca root will quickly help correct the imbalance. constipation can be involved in arthritic conditions. Pro-inflammatory microorganisms often interact with intestinal waste to create an environment of illness.


Intestinal microbes are being linked by scientists to many medical conditions, such as cancers, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes and chronic inflammatory illness. Arthritis and Rheumatism are created from chronic inflammatory processes. Medicine and even chemo-agents of the future will be or include helpful intestinal bacteria related to a specific illness. These beneficial bacteria may be synthesized from plants such as yucca root, also known as the cassava, manioc or mandioca.


Yucca root is consumed in Africa, Asia, Mexico, South and Central America as a food, boiled steamed or dried and ground into flour.


I tincture a Yucca root herbal, which is a liquid. An alcoholic extraction draws out the medicinal properties into the liquid. The Yucca Root tincture is then diluted in hot water, 15 to 30 drops, and drunk twice daily. The alcohol dissipates in hot water. Yucca root is not recommended for pregnant women.


For more information on Yucca RootMother Nature’s Herbal by Judy Griffin PhD.

or visit her website at


Other aromahealthtexas products to help with pain issues are Stop Suffering and Stop Hurting.


Sources include:

Charles W. Kane, Herbal Medicine of the American Southwest, pp. 214-217


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Arthritis Pain Aromatherapy

Arthritis pain is one of the most common sources of pain. It affects any “wear and tear” joint, such as knees, hips, back, neck shoulders, fingers and toes. Arthritis is considered a disease of aging. However, it affects every age group when the joint and cartilage break down from joint stress, diet and nutritional deficiencies. Anti-inflammatory and NSAIDS are used for treatment.  Arthritis Pain aromatherapy products may be safely used with other treatments. 

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. The immune system attacks the joints, resulting in swollen, deformed joints, subcutaneous & nodules, joint erosion and a serum RA factor. Rheumatoid arthritis affects any joint at any age. There are several types of rheumatoid arthritis, including systemic lupus, treated by prednisone and much stronger drugs with many side effects. Long-term antibiotic therapy is often a treatment due to an unknown underlying infection. Gout is another form of rheumatoid arthritis often successfully treated by diet.  Arthritis pain aromatherapy works directly with the brain to help ease pain and is a topical complimentary form of dealing with arthritis pain.

One of every four Americans may be suffering from arthritis. Dietary changes can prevent and reduce symptoms substantially. Beef is eaten only once or twice weekly, replaced with fish or fish oil capsules. Fish oil capsule sources must be researched to determine if they are free of mercury. Borage oil decreases swollen joints. Results may occur within eight months. Suggested dosages are 2000 mg daily of fish oil and 1400 mg daily of borage oil. Flaxseed oil also reduces inflammation. Dosage is 3000 mg daily. All of the oils, also known as essential fatty acids, are best taken with meals in divided doses.

Raw pineapple contains bromelain. Eaten raw it also reduces inflammation and swollen joints. A slice can be eaten with a small amount of food or in-between meals. Discontinue if your mouth swells or you experience abdominal pain. Pineapple is too acidic for some people, especially those who have esophageal reflux. Bromelain is available in tablet form. However it is chemically produced and I do not recommend it.

Processed food, high sugar and refined flour intake also increase inflammation. It also stimulates insulin resistance, resulting in Type II Diabetes. Margarine, trans and saturated fats, shortening and grain-fed beef provoke inflammatory processes in the body. Unhealthy fats are best replaced with extra virgin olive oil. It actually can lower inflammatory cytokine levels. Pay the extra money and buy this highest quality olive oil. A detailed description of how olive oil is produced is available in Mother Nature’s Herbal.

A healthy diet includes grass-fed beef and poultry, fish, and whole grains in moderation. Nuts and seeds may be included if irritable and/or inflammatory bowel is not present. Sauté vegetables in olive oil and avoid fried foods. Eating mercury-free fish a few times weekly can reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis 20 to 40%. A healthy diet is described in detail in Slice of Life Nutrition and Dietary Manual, including information to obtain optimal nutrition through diet.

Exercise can also help reduce and prevent arthritic pain and swelling. Moderate amounts of regular low intensity exercise in a pool or with a physical therapist will increase resistance to disease.

There are several topical products that reduce inflammation and increase circulation. Stop Hurting massaged on the affected area two to three times daily is most helpful. Small areas, like fingers and toes, are helped most by No Aches massaged onto the joints or back of the knees 3 times daily. The Deep Massage alleviates painful stiff joints assuring long lasting relief. Circulation Booster lotion aids rheumatoid arthritis symptoms alternated with the Stop HurtingStrengthen the Back is a sweet almond oil blend used for the lumbar, low back and hip area. It also supports muscular strength for those with chronic low back and arthritic pain. Stop sufferingtherapeutic blend reduces chemicals produced from pain, stress, trauma and emotional feelings associated with pain. It works synergistically with the pain lotions and aromablend.

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Arthritis Pain Relief using Aromatherapy

One quarter of Americans are suffering from osteo arthritis. Inflammation of the joints causes pain and weakening of the bones. Arthritis can be crippling and often lead to replacement of the knees and hips. Arthritis pain aromatherapy products are topical, non-invasive and work directly with the limbic brain to help reduce and may stop the pain altogether.  Do you want to Stop Hurting from constant arthritis pain?  Aromatherapy pain products may be the solution you have been seeking.

  Arthritis has many causes and few cures.  Stop Hurting lotion increases circulation, reduces deformity and inflamation encourage healing to the arthritic site. This pain aromatherapy product  removes metabolic waste that causes inflammation.

  Apply Stop Hurting lotion to any painful area  3 times daily ,or as often as needed to reduce symptoms ,and experience your body's ability to heal itself.

  Continue to nurture your body with 6 cups or more of fresh fruits and vegetables, raw and cooked daily to increase overall health. Raw pineapple, especially eaten between meals, contains bromelain enzyme. Bromelain reduces inflammation and subsequent pain of arthritis. Eat 2 or 3 1 inch cubes 3X daily to enhance healing. Your body only knows how to heal, so give it only the best of Mother Nature's bounty of organic foods. Recipes are available in How to Master Special Diets, Mother Nature's Herbal and Mother Nature's Kitchen. or call 1-800-496-2125 Continue reading


Stop Hurting

Arthritis pain is one of the most common sources of pain. It affects any “wear and tear” joint, such as knees, hips, back, neck shoulders, fingers and toes. Arthritis is considered a dis-ease of aging. However, it affects every age group when the joint and cartilage break down from joint stress, diet and nutritional deficiencies. Anti-inflammatory and NSAIDS are used for treatment.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. The immune system attacks the joints, resulting in swollen, deformed joints, subcutaneous & nodules, joint erosion and a serum RA factor. Rheumatoid arthritis affects any joint at any age. There are several types of rheumatoid arthritis, including systemic lupus, treated by prednisone and much stronger drugs with many side effects. Long-term antibiotic therapy is often a treatment due to an unknown underlying infection. Gout is another form of rheumatoid arthritis often successfully treated by diet.

One of every four Americans may be suffering from arthritis. Dietary changes can prevent and reduce symptoms substantially. Beef is eaten only once or twice weekly, replaced with fish or fish oil capsules. Fish oil capsule sources must be researched to determine if they are free of mercury. Borage oil decreases swollen joints. Results may occur within eight months. Suggested dosages are 2000 mg daily of fish oil and 1400 mg daily of borage oil. Flaxseed oil also reduces inflammation. Dosage is 3000 mg daily. All of the oils, also known as essential fatty acids, are best taken with meals in divided doses.

Raw pineapple contains bromelain. Eaten raw it also reduces inflammation and swollen joints. A slice can be eaten with a small amount of food or in-between meals. Discontinue if your mouth swells or you experience abdominal pain. Pineapple is too acidic for some people, especially those who have esophageal reflux. Bromelain is available in tablet form. However it is chemically produced and I do not recommend it.

Processed food, high sugar and refined flour intake also increase inflammation. It also stimulates insulin resistance, resulting in Type II Diabetes. Margarine, trans and saturated fats, shortening and grain-fed beef provoke inflammatory processes in the body. Unhealthy fats are best replaced with extra virgin olive oil. It actually can lower inflammatory cytokine levels. Pay the extra money and buy this highest quality olive oil. A detailed description of how olive oil is produced is available in Mother Nature's Herbal.

A healthy diet includes grass-fed beef and poultry, fish, and whole grains in moderation. Nuts and seeds may be included if irritable and/or inflammatory bowel is not present. Sauté vegetables in olive oil and avoid fried foods. Eating mercury-free fish a few times weekly can reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis 20 to 40%. A healthy diet is described in detail in Slice of Life Nutrition and Dietary Manual, including information to obtain optimal nutrition through diet.

Exercise can also help reduce and prevent arthritic pain and swelling. Moderate amounts of regular low intensity exercise in a pool or with a physical therapist will increase resistance to disease.

There are several topical products that reduce inflammation and increase circulation. No more Pain Lotion massaged on the affected area two to three times daily is most helpful. Small areas, like fingers and toes, are helped most-by No Pain Aromablend massaged onto the joints or back of the knees 3 times daily. The Pain Management Lotion alleviates painful stiff joints assuring long lasting relief. Circulation Booster lotion aids rheumatoid arthritis symptoms alternated with the No more Pain LotionStrengthen the Back is a sweet almond oil blend used for the lumbar, low back and hip area. It also supports muscular strength for those with chronic low back and arthritic pain. Manage Pain therapeutic blend reduces chemicals produced from pain, stress, trauma and emotional feelings associated with pain. It works synergistically with the pain lotions and aromablend.

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