Aromatherapy for Sleep Disorders Due to Aging
Aromatherapy for Sleep Disorders Due to Aging
By Dr. Judy Griffin
Aging causing yellowing and discoloration of the eyes reduces melatonin release and natural sleep cycles.* Deep Sleep aromatic blend applied before and at bedtime encourages restful, nurturing sleep. Discoloration of the eyes reduces absorption of blue ray light and subsequent release of melatonin.* Melatonin is a natural sleep hormone produced by the pineal gland.
Deep Sleep is a blend of essential oils and Petite Fleur Essences produced from organically grown plants, steam distilled in glass on site. No chemicals such as hexane are used to produce Deep Sleep. No side effects have been reported in over 20 years of clinical, hospital and private use. Deep Sleep is available in a liquid concentrate or spray to be applied topically. It will not interfere with medications. Deep Sleep can also help reduce nervousness, moodiness, stress; fear and irritability from poor sleep habits. The natural disinfectant properties of Deep Sleep enables it to be applied to any skin type. It is best worn on the nape of the neck and ear lobes on unbroken skin.
Reference: Sept 1, 2011, Sleep Journal, Line Kessel, M.D. PhD.
For more information, call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125 or go to