Neroli Part II

Historically, Neroli has been popular in colognes, deodorants and body splashes. The essential oil can be diluted in 190 proof alcohol and bottled or filtered water today.


In 4 ounces of water;

Add 1 teaspoon of 190 proof alcohol or witch hazel;

Add 7 drops of Neroli;

Bottle in a dark glass container tightly capped for 1 hour. Turn the bottle twice to mix the contents. Open and sample the mixture. Add up to 3 more drops of Neroli to obtain the desired scent. Cap again and store away from light and heat.

Neroli can be purchased from the essential oil of the Citrus bigaradia, bitter orange, or Citrus aurantium, sweet orange. Citrus aurantium is more available at a less expensive price. Both are heavenly scents with remarkable healing qualities.


        Neroli’s principle healing action affects the nervous system. It is a natural tranquilizer effecting anxiety, depression, nervous exhaustion, and tension. Neroli encourages us to experience life challenges with calmness and joy, offering hope to the hopeless. The soothing effect reduces insomnia and nervous headaches. Inhaling the essential oil or enjoying it in a message helps to regulate heart arrhythmias and relieve nervous tics.


        In skincare, Neroli assists every skin type. The oil is nontoxic, nonphototoxic, and nonsensitizing on the skin. It is beneficial for inflamed and sensitive skin. I use it for small, broken vessels diluted in jojoba oil or combined in a cream. Neroli assists in new cell regeneration and is safe for aging skin.

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