Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
One in 8 people suffer from insomnia. Problems may include difficulty falling asleep, disrupted sleep, difficulty falling back to sleep, waking early and unrefreshed sleep. Chronic insomnia may be recurrent lasting at least 6 months. Medical problems include weight gain or loss, chronic pain, depression, mood disorders, headaches, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea and snoring. 61% who suffer from insomnia lose work time and efficiency, 37% doze while driving.
Transient insomnia lasts up to 7 days, usually a response to stressful events and job or school problems. Intermittent insomnia may last up to 6 months. It relates to divorce, loss of a loved one, and financial problems. Environmental stressors include neurotoxins, poor dietary habits and choices, genetics, hormone balance; low hormones must be balanced to relieve insomnia and poor sleeping arrangements.
Deep Sleep is a nontoxic aromatic organically grown and prepared without chemicals. Over a period of weeks, Deep Sleep can enhance REM time and normal sleep patterns.
Dreamtime is available for children under 10 years old