Aromatherapy for Fears, Worries, and Concerns
The following fears, worries or concerns can be reduced with the Petite Fleur Essences listed. Six or seven different essences can be worm daily, applied several seconds apart. If you have several of these fears, check with your health care provider obsessive/compulsive disorder.
Echinacea Petite Fleur
Unpleasant thoughts that come into my mind against my will often upset me.
Wild Oats
I spend more time than most people cleaning, showering or checking.
Salvia, Self Image
I usually have doubts about everyday things that I do.
Other people have difficulty meeting my standards for order, cleanliness, safety, hard work of the simple decency.
Silver Moon
I have little control over my thoughts.
I worry that my bad thoughts will come true.
It is hard for me to be sure I’ve done something even when I know that I’ve done it.
Amaryllis, Relaxation
When I start worrying, I can’t easily stop.
Knotted Marjoram
I repeat certain actions over and over.
Insignificant events worry me too much.
People think I’m a perfectionist, a “neat freak,” a hypochondriac, superstitious, and rigid.
I tend to be a ‘Pack Rat.”
General Obsessions
Red Malva
I often isolate from others.
Champney’s Pink Cluster Antique Rose
I worry (with little reason) that my partner is doing something behind my back.
I worry too much about hurting others’ feelings or making people mad.
Peppermint Oil
I worry too much about household noises, how things feel or other sensations.
Anise Hyssop
I worry that I won’t say things right or use the ‘perfect’ word.
I worry about always doing ‘the right thing’ or being honest, fair or on time.
I worry about salvation, having sinful thoughts, blaspheming or other religious concerns.
Sweet Annie
I am afraid of getting old.
I am afraid of dying.
Country Marilou
I worry that some part of my body is hideously ugly despite reassurance to the contrary.
I worry I can’t work or support myself.
Aggressive or Sexual Obsessions
Iris I fear losing control with sharp objects, while driving, in high places and in other ways.
Abate Anger
I fear I will harm others, hurt babies, or I get violent images in my mind.
Crepe Myrtle
I worry that I will blurt out or write obscenities or insults, even though I never have.
I worry I might (accidentally) steal something.
I have unwanted sexual thoughts about strangers, family, friends, children or others.
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For a personal consultation, call Dr.Griffin for an appointment at 1-800-496-2125