Sinusitis, Sinus Issues and Decongest

Sinusitis, Sinus Issues and Decongest


Sinusitis affects half our population during a lifetime and a quarter of the population at any given time.  Sinus pressure, inflammation and infection affect every age group.  Sinusitis symptoms include headaches and facial pain.  Although strong antibiotics and prednisone injections may be used to combat symptoms, they may come with side effects.  Antihistamines and decongestants combined with acetephetamine are used to combat re-occurrences.  Sinus surgery may be suggested for chronic conditions and deformities. 


Organically grown aromatics processed without hexane and toxic chemicals positively impact the sinuses.  Sinusitis headaches and facial pain may be helped by using the following aromahealthtexas blends:


Decongest - aroma blends that heal massage a few drops around the nose, checks, temples and forehead 2 to 3 times daily. 


Sinus Spray can be sprayed around the nose avoiding the eyes, throughout the day.    


Allergy may be applied or sprayed topically twice daily. 


Environmental is a blend to aid those affected by pollutants and chemical sensitivities.  Petite fleur aromas are complimentary to be used with prescriptions and OTC drugs or alone.


For a professional consultation regarding diet, nutrition and supplementation with Dr. Judy Griffin PhD visit her website at or call her at 1-800-496-2125. A comprehensive program can be designed for your individual needs.


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