How Pesticides Inactivate Bees’ Brains - Are We Next?

As scientists study many causes of honeybee deaths, neonicotinoid and organophosphates have been found to inactivate the learning cells of bees’ brains. These pesticides inactivate acetylcholine signals in all bugs. It takes 20 minutes after exposure to inactivate bees learning cells, including impaired memory and navigation. As foraging abilities weaken, the colony dies off.

Organophosphates, such as coumaphos, causes epileptic activity in bees’ brains before it shuts down their learning abilities. This is a common pesticide used by beekeepers to prevent mites.

On March 21, 2013, environmentalists and beekeepers filed suit against the E.P.A. to ban the use of clothianidin and thiamethoxam, both neonicotinoids. Peter Jenkins, Center for Food Safety, says the E.P.A. needs to protect bees and pollinators, which the E.P.A. refuses.

How are we going to feed billions of people without pollinators? And how are these same pesticides affecting our learning abilities? We eat the food sprayed with pesticides, breathe the air, and drink the water. What takes 20 minutes to affect a bee’s brain could take years to shut down our brains. Nothing to look forward to experiencing as we age, a slow lobotomy.

It didn’t take the E.P.A long to rush approval of these pesticides, produced by Bayer Crop-Science. However, the E.P.A. has been solicited by consumer groups for years for protection of pollinators against these and other pesticides.

Is it possible the E.P.A. is influenced by Monsanto, Bayer Crop-Science and other megacorporations? The E.P.A. doesn’t seem to be open to consumer considerations or demands. And, who is watching over the E.P.A. to do this?

In time, we may not remember! The time to act is now. Until May 15, 2013 Recall Memory is on sale at Please remember to contact your local and state representatives and ask them to protect our pollinators.

Judy Griffin, PhD

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