When to Use Lemongrass and Lemon Peel

When to Use Lemongrass and Lemon Peel

Lemon peel and Lemongrass essential oils have different properties and can be used for different symptoms.

Lemon Grass, Cymbopogon citratus,contains 87% ciitral,. Properties include calming, tonifying, anti inflammatory, antiviral, and anti febrile. The high amount of citral irritates damaged or sensitive skin and must always be diluted with only 2-3 drops in a one ounce carrier oil blend. Diffusion puts the molecules in the air and will also damage sensitive skin. Citral is a potential allergen and can also raise ocular pressure in glaucoma causing damage.

However, the 11% limonene, a monoterpene hydrocarbon, reduces muscle spasms and helps repair damaged or lose ligaments, supporting muscle tone, poor circulation and reducing varicosities. Lemon grass blend can help remove edema and fluid retention, and reduce perspiration.

Psychologically, lemon grass increases awareness of yourself, others and the environment.

Lemon peel, Citrus limonum, is 72% d-limonene, a monoterpene hydrocarbon with anti tumor potential as a stimulant with drying properties. It also contains coumarins that increase blood flow and clear liver congestion, reducing cholesterol buildup, gallstones and urinary calcification.  It can help reduce arteriosclerosis symptoms and nausea.The property can reduce chronic stress and fatigue, increasing tissue repair in connective tissue and supporting collagen.

Lemon peel also has anti inflammatory properties, reducing flu, colds and infection in the head, such as sinus.

Lemon peel is photo toxic and should not be applied before sun exposure. It also should be diluted in a carrier oil.Only 2 drops are needed for a one ounce blend. Other essential oils can also be added. Lemon peel is also helpful when a blend needs a pick up or has lost it's fresh smell, one drop is enough. 

To recap, lemon grass is calming, and lemon peel is stimulating. Keep both refrigerated to maintain freshness in small bottles to reduce oxygen as you use the essential oils in various blends. Neither should be used with children 4 years old or younger.

We are organic growers using no hexanes or chemicals to our essential oils. We grow and distill onsite seasonally. www.aromahealthtexas.com   Call or email us with questions or concerns.


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