Health Answers

The Most Nutritious Way to Eat Garlic

Allicin, the nutritious part of garlic, is created by cooking garlic 10 minutes after cutting, mashing or mincing. Cooking or eating garlic raw right after cutting will destroy the ability to create allicin. Allicin is a compound created by two properties in garlic. Ten minutes after cutting garlic, this chemical reaction creates allicin, the healthy part of garlic.

Garlic has avoided genetic modification and maintains all or most of its original health properties. It is easy to grow in a pot or as a garden plant. Garlic naturally repels aphids and several garden pests. Buy fresh garlic and place the bottom side in the garden or potted soil as a planter. It will soon sprout and multiply into a medley of nutritious plants. Garlic grows naturally with other garden herbs and most plants.Water only as needed and do not fertilize with commercial products. Garlic really doesn't need any fertilizer.

Garlic is a universal plant with no certain origin. I have been to Guanacasta in Costa Rica and other areas where it is too hot to thrive. Most of the world can enjoy its flavor and medicinal effects year round.

Garlic is a natural anti fungal with  some antibiotic properties. It is useful to reduce hypertension and many ailments of modern living. Garlic is high in heating properties. If you suffer from insomnia, hot sweats, red rashes, gastric re-flux and arrhythmia, keep garlic to a minimum until your symptoms subside.

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