Health Answers

How Roses affect Resonant Frequency Health

Our rose products release the highest resonance of health and beauty inherent in  all life. Experience the transforming energy, aroma and touch of our Antique Roses.These roses positively affect adverse conditions caused or accelerated by negative frequencies affecting our environment and well being. Allow our rose products to produce radiant health, transforming your mind , emotions,appearance and body. Continue reading

Muscle soreness

Feeling unproductive from muscle soreness, fatigue and tension? Sore Muscles lotion helps resolve lactic acid build up, micro muscle tears,  chronic aches, travel fatigue and spasmodic muscular- skeletal imbalance.

There are 2 main causes for muscle soreness from exercise. Burning symptoms are from lactic acid buildup,which resolves within a few days. The day after soreness peaks 72 hours after onset. This is due to tiny muscle tears in muscle fiber during exercise. Any muscle burning or soreness that does not improve over 1 week, seek medical evaluation. NSAIDS are not proven to reduce or speed recovery of muscle soreness and fatigue. Aromatic Tumerones have been successfully used to speed recovery.(Available on our supplement menu).

Certain foods help speed healing. Watermelon contain amino acid, L- citrulline and adequate potassium for a speedy, delicious recovery time. Other super foods include cherry juice and fresh cherries,raw pineapple and papaya ( avoid raw pineapple and papaya with gastrointestinal inflammation and ulcerous conditions),milk products and fermented foods, and ginger root.

To avoid exercise soreness, practice dynamic movements rather than stretching before work outs.These movements may include leg lunges and rolling the arms and shoulders like a wind mill. Hydration before and after exercise, as well as recovery, is a must.

Sore Muscles includes several Petite Fleur flower essences, as well as, and nutmeg, lemon tarragon and black cumin, tangerine and other essential oils. We are organic growers and distill and prepare our products onsite.Massage 2- 3 x daily until soreness abates. This is also a great blend to support strength in low back and limbs. 

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