How Petite Fleur Essences affect your Brain's Signature
Your brain has a unique way of processing mental activities and solving challenges. This activity is retained and predictable with different tasks and activities. It is called a signature and happens most often in the frontal part of the brain , frontal parietal. This is the part of the brain that filters incoming and new information. it lights up in an individual pattern as information is introduced. How you interact with the world and yourself depends on this signature.Life now becomes what you perceive from your brain's predictable way of" seeing "life.An old saying says, life is not the way it is, it is the way you see it.
Petite Fleur Essences catalyze and help change individual signature perception to attract the greatest benefit and this triggers brain chemistry to change and heal any part of your body/psyche. This is truly subtle body healing.The D.N.A. of flowers is very similar to human D.N.A., enabling us to bloom under stress just like flowers.
Flowers bloom because they can. Our determination allows change to happen quickly and easily. Life is meant to be exciting and what we do should benefit all life. There are over 130 Petite Fleur Essences and therapeutic aromatic blends to assist in designing the health and environment that best suits your greatest potential. Learn more at , The Healing Flowers and Flowers that Heal books.