
Rapid Global Increase of Celiac's Disease

More than 40% of the world population has a  genetic predisposition  to Celiac's disease. Celiac's is an autoimmune disease caused by ingesting gluten in many cereals, condiments and foods, medications, vitamins, some herbals, enhanced poultry and pork....The list of products is expanding, as more people are developing Celiac's in wheat eating countries, including Asians. Researchers warn of epidemic proportion as incidence increases. Gluten may not be listed on food labels. Many other grains and foods are grown in wheat, rye and barley fields and processed in the same facility as glutenous foods. 

Celiac's was discovered by a doctor in the 1940's.A tiny amount of gluten triggers an intense autoimmune inflammation and atrophy in the small intestine. Poor absorption of nutrients cause multiple deficiencies and diseases. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and fatigue are common. Celiac's can move to different locations in the abdomen.

A list of the most common diseases for people with Celiac's is: osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity,hypothyroid, Sjorgen's, liver ailments, cancer, infertility, anxiety/depression, irritable bowel, bleeding disorders, juvenile arthritis, anemia, autism, migraine, peripheral neuropathy, learning disabilities, Turner's and William's syndrome(missing genetic chromosome diseases).Since Celiac's is also genetic, occurrence can happen anytime during a lifetime. The incidence in children is alarming.

Researchers are experimenting with vaccines to reduce autoimmune inflammation and atrophy of the intestinal villi. To date , only a strict gluten free diet can help. There is no cure. The diet must be ongoing.

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