AromaHealth Essence Support for Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue
AromaHealth Texas essences emotionally support many symptoms of fatigue and energy flow throughout the psyche and subtle body meridians. They have been used in hospitals, clinics and privately for 44 years to enhance life experiences. Consult your physician if fatigue or any symptom becomes chronic or debilitating.
Over 3.3 million Americans suffer chronic fatigue, while 45% of adults experience fatigue with regularity. Environmental toxins can be undermining energy levels. Environmental is a blend that helps shield the subtle body from the effects of pollution. National health and psychiatric research claim air pollutants can cause anxiety and depression, changing regions in the brain that cause emotions. A general dissatisfaction with life to substance abuse and crime are related to pollutants, including poor water quality.
Abuse is the elephant in the room not always included when emotional health and fatigue are related. One in 4 females and 1 in 7 males have experienced domestic abuse since age 16. School bullying is reported 1 in 5 students. Twenty two percent are bullied online or through text. The trauma of any abuse is stored in the amygdala of the brain, where fears are stored since birth. Childhood trauma affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis directly related to energy and fatigue levels. Seventy-seven % of childhood trauma is related to chronic fatigue syndrome. Stored Trauma is a blend my son and I developed for emotional support due to trauma. Communicate is a blend to speak your journey for health. Grief blend will help lift the abyss of feelings and loss.
Delayed and inadequate immune responses also contribute to fatigue. Viral Escape, Enterovirus, Resist and Protect and Cold/flu are blends to support a healthy mind and response to our environment.
Refreshing sleep is enhanced with Deep Sleep essences before bedtime or awakening during the night. If your mind is too active, use Relaxation and Reduce Stress during the day or night. These blends are mood changing and promote healthy emotional habits and thoughts.
Discomfort can be addressed with No More Pain, Circulation Booster or Lymph Flow lotions. The mind becomes calmer and breathing deeper.
Fatigue often reduces concentration and creates a foggy mind. Recall Memory supports mental clarity and reduces frustration. It also recalls happy memories and hope for better times to come.
Fatigue blend promotes an encouraging attitude when anxious and depressed thoughts and feelings bring you down. It also promotes self- nurturing feelings and habits to promote energy.
Dynamic is a blend that enhances thoughts and activity in a coordinated fashion. It enhances the stamina to overcome the challenges of dynamic energy.
Inner Strength is helpful if encountering those who dismiss your problems. It's really not all in your head. Fatigue on every level of experience is real. Inner Strength gets us past the doubters and acts of character assassination to restore a healthy state of mind.
Sometimes the best way to beat fatigue, chronic or occasional, is to learn to say no! Protection is a blend to help put your needs first and surround the immune response with a cloak of self- love.
Our blends are topical because touch is the greatest healer and aroma changes emotions and feelings in 1/100th of a second. Time is on your side, time to enjoy life to the fullest!
If you have any questions or need advice on AromaHealth Texas blends and products, please contact us through our website,