Pink Prairie Primrose Texas Wildflower, Onethera species

1/6 oz or 1 dram
1/2 oz

Pink Prairie Primrose encourages relationship responsibility and mirrors what we need to learn from others. The personality becomes open to feedback and advice, utilizing curiosity, compassion and humility to understand self and others. The essence helps create an unbiased perception of reality. Pink prairie primrose essence is calming, encouraging relaxation, deep breathing, and healthy self -perception.

Historically, Pink Prairie Primrose has been used to encourage healthy hair, bones and nails, reducing aches especially of unknown origin in early American settlers who used a compress topically.

                                  "Compassion guides me."

Massage 2 drops 3 x daily on clean, unbroken skin. Avoid eyes, delicate and broken skin.

Testimonial: " I realize my curiosity is healthy and I can use the essence in ways to help myself and others for creative responses, Julianna.

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