Common Skipper (Burnsius communis)

1 dram or 3.7ml
1/2oz or 15ml
2oz spray

This essence nurtures the resilience of the soul. It helps the personality to bounce back from adversity and challenges instead of sinking into despair. We practice patience as we focus on things we can do and control without stress. The Soul requires peace and contentment. The essence can reduce reactions to fears and social vulnerability.

Native Americans involved the community in rituals to connect with the Soul. There is the ego soul, embodied in the breath; the free soul that leaves the body during dreams and trances and is the guardian during life; then the soul which energizes the body during the daytime. Each must be harmonious with the recipient.

When physical help was necessary, the shaman would connect with the soul. Connecting through the soul opens the body for harmony.

                                       "I am the promise of an emerging butterfly."

 Early European settlers used the flowers to reduce symptoms of benign growths, neutralize toxins, sunburn damage and overuse of alcohol, promote better breathing and proper body functions.

Massage 2 drops 3 x daily on clean unbroken skin. Mist the neck with the spray. Fragrant.

Testimonial:' I feel less vulnerable in public places and around people I don't know," Francis.

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