Communicate (Marigold Mint) formerly Toxic Thyroid

2 oz Spray
1/2 oz concentrate
1 dram (1/6 oz) concentrate

Communicate enhances expression of thoughts and feelings. This blend also encourages speaking up for oneself and others, even in difficult environments. Releasing pent up emotions allows new ideas and clear thinking to arise. Feeling shy, resisting change, rejection, stubbornness, jealously, and bitterness are replaced by experiencing new ways to manifest desires and feelings.  People who think before speaking recklessly become more effective communicators. The blend guides us to encourage, honor and serve others with humility.

Creativity increases, as repressed emotions are expressed in positive exchanges. Stress eaters may benefit from this blend, as they learn to speak instead of eating!

The aromatic essences include bergamot marigold mint, and Antique roses and Petite Fleur Essences.

Jana's Testimonial:" I always feel better when I wear Communicate. It smells wonderful. I have a good attitude again."

 Clara:" I don't need to eat  for self gratification."

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