Return to Source ( Rose, Mallow scent)

2 oz Spray
1/2 oz concentrate
1 dram (1/6 oz) concentrate

Return to Source is a very protective blend drawing from ancestral roots and the Love that nurtures all life. This very aromatic blend connects with our source of wisdom and understanding for everyday concerns and deeper issues that occur. The more one can understand oneself and personal environment, connecting with the collective becomes accessible. The aromas are very nurturing. helping to surrender to all that is good.

Massage onto unbroken skin or mist neck 3 x daily.

Testimonial: "Return to source is fantastic!!! Beautiful, nurturing fragrances ease my heart and mind and soothes my soul.  I'm giving it as gifts to share with those I love. Another magical aroma filled with love and blessings. Thank you for all that you do," Margie T.


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