Tiger's Jaw Cactus,Faucaria tuberculosa, Flower Essence

1 dram(1/6 oz)
1/2 oz.

Tiger's Jaw Cactus helps the personality overcome procrastination, inertia, laziness and fear of failure. The individual needs motivation from a sluggish state of mind. Enthusiasm replaces inertia with the guiding essence of Tiger's jaw.

Mildly fragrant.

Petite Fleur Essences are steam distilled and hand processed with purely organically grown flowers and herbs specially formulated to catalyze potentials and enrich the mind, and soul. Each is harvested, bottled, and labeled by hand.

Apply two drops to the wrist or heart area daily or as often as every fifteen minutes.

Testimonial: " I tend to be on the slow or lazy side of life. My pace is picking up with new ideas and interests," Sam.

"I am the Self-discipline of constructive action."

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