Dancing Lady Orchid flower essence helps us makes peace with the past. The personality may be a workaholic and high achiever, unwilling to admit past mistakes. As the individual lets down, introspection will help see the past as steps to success. The flower looks like it has fairy prints on the petals. Non fragrant.
"I make peace with the past to live in the present."
Petite Fleur Essences are steam distilled and hand processed with purely organically grown flowers and herbs specially formulated to catalyze potentials and enrich the mind, emotions and soul. Each is harvested, bottled, and labeled by hand.
Apply two drops to the wrist or heart area daily or as often as every fifteen minutes. Avoid eyes, delicate and broken skin.
Testimonial: " I was drawn to this essence by the name. I love to dance. I have taken the time to look back at my checkered past, and let it go, Cheri.