Knotted Marjoram,Marjorana hortensis, Flower essence

1 dram(1/6 oz.)
1/2 oz.

Knotted Marjoram helps reduces impulsive behavior and premature actions. Repeated use of this essence helps the personality to relax and accept nurturing and support. The essence helps those who react too quickly to emotional stimulus. Knotted Marjoram enhances forethought, clarity and detail especially when change is indicated. Marjoram helps the person transform the environment and add new interests to life. Isolation will no longer be a probability. 

                                          "I think before I act."

Historically, the leaves of Knotted Marjoram were applied for cleansing.

The flowers represented a happy marriage.

Petite Fleur Essences are steam distilled and hand processed with purely organically grown flowers and herbs specially formulated to catalyze potentials and enrich the mind, emotions and soul. Each is harvested, bottled, and labeled by hand. Mildly fragrant.

Apply two drops to the wrist or heart area daily or as often as every fifteen minutes. 

Testimonials: "I relax and think things out after I apply the essence," Jackson.

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