Inner Voice (Jasmine scent)

2 oz Spray
1 dram (1/6 oz) concentrate
1/2 ounce

Inner Voice is the still, small voice resonating from our hearts. It is always available to help us, like an ancient teacher. Inner Voice gives direction, solves problems and makes life's answers seem simple. It helps free the personality from limitations, keeps the mind from distractions and connects a focused mind with a loving heart.

These Petite Fleur essences also clear perceptions from the past to focus on tasks at hand. This voice is never critical or chastising. It connects the personality with the spirit of the heart. The aroma opens the senses to receive guidance. The effect is very calming, reducing impatience, anxious thoughts and unusual worry. 

Apply 2 drops 3 x daily to clean unbroken skin, or spray on throat 3 x daily.

Testimonial: "I have never experienced anything like Inner Voice. I feel so connected to my spiritual self with a calmness I now enjoy daily," Jana.

"I feel very connected within and experience inner guidance in many profound ways," Judith.

"I enjoy it's fragrance and noticed subtle changes since I started using it last week," Janine.

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