Purrsian Blue Catmint, Nepeta faassenii

1 dram (1/6 oz) concentrate
1/2oz or 15ml

This essence helps us understand another's perception and what motivates them. Our perceptions and judgements expand and become clear. We also relax and let go of trying to convince others of our opinions. The head is clear, and the heart is open.

Historically, Purrsian blue catmint was used to help people reduce fluid retention. It was also used to promote sweating to cleanse the body. Digestion and colic improved with a tea of this catmint. 

                                       "My mind is open, and my heart is pure."

Massage 3 drops on clean, unbroken skin 3 x daily

Testimonial:" This is a new concept for me. I guess I haven't tried to understand others' opinions. Dave"

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