Cecil Brunner, Antique Rose Essence Sweetheart Rosa chinensis, 1881

1 dram(1/6 oz)
1/2 oz.
2 oz Spray

Cecil Brunner defines realistic boundaries in relationships and helps those who withdraw from beginning new relationships. The essence reduces fears and tension about new situations and meeting new people. Individuals who awaken feeling exhausted and have difficulty starting the day feel refreshed wearing Cecil Brunner.

Cecil Brunner is also known as the Sweetheart rose. The buds are perfect in corsages and floral displays. Introduced in 1881, it is a polyantha, lightly fragrant, pink rose with large clusters of double blooms with high centers and vigorous foliage. Cecil is a dramatic, repeat bloomer, almost thorn less, award winning rose, including the Old Rose Hall of Fame. The climber reaches 20 feet; the bush is 5 feet tall and almost as wide. This is one of the few roses that tolerates partial shade and poor soil, is disease resistant and winter hardy to -26 degrees. Parentage is a Polyantha, with parentage from Rosa multiflora and either Souvenir d' un-Ami, OR Mme. de Tatras. Our Cecil Brunner is huge, making a dramatic effect growing over a 12-foot pergola. 

                                        "I feel safe to bloom."

Testimonial:" I wear Cecil Brunner every time I meet new people. I have since been able to have an intimate relationship and reliable, which never worked before, "Nanette.

Good Manufacturing Practices.

Petite Fleur Essences are steam distilled and hand processed with purely organically grown flowers and herbs specially formulated to catalyze potentials and enrich the mind, body, and soul. Each is harvested, bottled, and labeled by hand.

Apply two drops to the wrist or heart area daily or as often as every fifteen minutes.

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