Attention Span (lemon grass)

2 oz Spray
1/2 oz concentrate
1 dram (1/6 oz) concentrate

Attention Span is designed for children and adults who enjoy or desire to retain more from reading and learning. This blend is very grounding. The ability to communicate and study effectively is achievable.

The personality feels stable, secure, and grounded, rather than impulsive, absent minded, and unpredictable. Stamina replaces overwork. Those who wish to experience heightened sense of smell enjoy Attention Span.

"The GABAergic system to the anxiolytic-like effect of essential oil from Cymbopogon citratus (lemongrass)", Celso de Almeida Costa, Journal ofEthnopharmacol,2011.

 Testimonial from Michael's mother:

"My son is a young autistic adult who wore the Attention Span drops faithfully for 4-5 months. By this time, he could talk and call in his order and had his own credit/debit card. Talking audibly seemed impossible previously. He also started working!"

"It's amazing my legs stopped moving as my mind became focused," Drake.

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