Quick Reference for Essential oils and Absolutes for historical and research purposes

Angelica Root: migraines, anorexia, psoriasis/ problem skin

Basil: adrenal insufficiency, antiviral, fly repellent

Benzoin Styrax absolute: calming; vanilla scent

Bergamot: cystitis, anorexia, moodiness, nonproductive behavior

Black Spruce: arthritis, back pain, bone health, emotional blocks

Blood Orange: antidepressant effect, stress reducer

Blue Chamomile absolute: analgesic antispasmodic

 Cabrueva: scars, acne, grounds personality

Cardamom: digestion, mental fatigue, hope in the future

Carnation absolute: uplifting, cleanses lymphatics

Carrot seed: all skin problems wrinkles, IBS

Cassia: reduces atherosclerotic plaque, aids circulation

Cedar wood: reduces cellulite bronchitis, urinary/prostate problems, insect repellent

Champaca absolute: headaches, vertigo, antidepressant effect

Cinnamon leaf: aids digestion, heart function, circulation

Citronella: reduces excess perspiration,oily skin; insect repellent

Clary Sage: reduces migraines, headaches, IBS, PMS and anxiety

Clove: reduces Candida,  flu symptoms, pain reliever , antioxidant

Coriander: reduces gout pain , general pain, hemorrhoids,promotes hair growth, anti aging

Cypress: promotes collagen, reduces varicose veins,ovarian cysts; insect repellent

Eucalyptus: supports lungs, sinuses, reduces asthma, acne, dandruff

Frangipani absolute: calming, reduces itching , fevers

Frankincense: breathing and intestinal health,wrinkles, anti aging

Galbanum: boils, scars acne

Geranium absolute: uplifting, rose extender in blends

Geranium: reduces breast pain, female complaints,depressed feelings, Candida

Ginger: reduces pain, nausea flatulence; aids digestion, circulation

Helichrysum absolute: promotes better hearing, reduces nerve damage, regulates blood pressure

Holy Basil:better sleep, blood sugar regulation, reduces migraines, spiritual/emotional balance

Hops: Reduces IBS menopausal symptoms, alcohol craving

Hyssop: antiseptic; reduces whooping cough, strep and autoimmune symptoms

Jasmine grandiflora absolute: reduces anxiety, birthing pain,uterine tonic, aphrodisiac, increases milk production

Juniper berries: reduces cystitis,, hair loss, poor digestion

Labdamum absolute: reduces anger, shock, anxiety, very calming

Lavender, spike: reduces insomnia, headaches, congestion; opens the heart

Lavender absolute: reduces nervous tension, moodiness, calms the psyche

Lavender concrete: calming antiviral

Lemon Peel: antibacterial, antiseptic, reduces COPD symptoms

Lemongrass: fat digestion,lymphadema and lymph cleanse, helps ADHD symptoms

Lime: supports collagen synthesis,antiseptic, reduces scars, supports wound healing

Litsea: promotes lactation, reduces GYN symptoms, muscle and bone pain

Marigold Mint: reduces moles,skin tags, precancerous tissue externally and cellulite

Myrrh: reduces fungus, parasites, restores digestion and voice, gum/ mouth health

Myrtle: thyroid balance, reduces smokers cough, infections.

Neroli: reduces anxiety, heart palpitations, thread veins, wrinkles

Nutmeg: reduces gout and nerve pain, neuropathy symptoms, aids digestion

Oak moss absolute:calming base note for aroma blends

Orange flower absolute: calms fears, post traumatic stress, reduces headaches

Oregano:anti fungal, aids sinuses, reduces planters wart

Osmanthus absolute:  uplifting natural fragrance promoting true love, faithfulness

Palmarosa: aids collagen production, reduces wrinkles, acne, anorexia symptoms

Patchouli: reduces dandruff, hives, weeping eczema, loose skin after weight loss

Peppermint:  aids digestion,concentration, energy, reduces pain

Peru Balsam absolute: supports healthy weight, reduces insecurity;vanilla scent

Pine: reduces exhaustion, pain, increases circulation insect repellent

Pink Grapefruit: reduces weight loss,fluid retention, hair loss

Ravintsara:  great antiviral reduces joint pain

Red Spikenard: reduces allergy symptoms, nervous stomach, all skin problems

Roman Chamomile: reduces insomnia, indigestion, dermatitis, eczema

Rose Damask : reduces shingles, pain, revitalizes heart and spirit

Rose absolute: image issues, cutters,eating disorders aids digestion, antiviral

Rosemary: enhances memory, endorphin release,hair growth, reduces rheumatic pain

Rosewood:stimulates skin elasticity, strengthens immunity, reduces jet lag

Sage: relaxes muscles, reduces heat flashes, extends acetylcholine release/memory

Sandalwood: calming reduces dry cough, laryngitis, opens the heart

Spearmint: balances thyroid, increases skin immunity reduces fatigue

Sweet Fennel:supports adrenals, digestion, milk flow, reduces female complaints

Sweet Marjoram: reduces neck tension,migraines,muscle cramps; normal blood pressure

Sweet Orange:antibacterial, supports heart rhythm, digestion and weight

Tangerine: liver/gallbladder function, bronchial spasms,anti staph

Tarragon: reduces urinary/prostate, PMS symptoms, anti parasitic

Teatree: anti fungal, staph, acne, spider bites

Thyme:anti bacterial, viral, fungal, stimulates recovery after illness

Tonkabean absolute:anti inflammatory, depressant;used in soaps, personal items

Tuberose absolute: reduces inhibitions, fears, stress; natural perfume fragrance

Tumeric root: anti inflammatory, suppresses cancer metastasis, Alzheimer's, osteoporosis

Valerian root: reduces insomnia, pain, female complaints, anxiety

Vanilla absolute: reduces frustration, unhappy memories, insecurity; supports weight loss

Vetiver root: balances female hormones; reduces vertigo, sagging skin

Wormwood: use in blends with tuberose, patchouli,citrus, spruce and spices, external only

Ylang Ylang: increases hair growth,, reduces insomnia,panic, and rapid breathing

Contact: 8172935410/petitefl@aromahealthtexas.com





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