
Hair Growth

Thick Natural Hair Growth


Illness, some medications and aging cause hair follicles to shrink.  Thinning hair will grow thinner until it does not grow at all.


Thick hair growth is encouraged naturally by Aromahealthtexas products Rosemary Shampoo and More Hair Complete Conditioner with organically grown essential oils proven to promote thick, healthy hair.


For thinning and alopecia baldness, use Hair Growth blend formulated by Dr. Judy Griffin.


To order these hair care products and for more information go to or please call 1-800-496-2125.

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Natural Exfoliation

Natural Exfoliation


Exfoliation removes dead and damaged outer skin and helps prevent wrinkles, decreases pore size, rough skin blotches and scarring.  Moisturizing is more effective with the regular exfoliation once or twice weekly.  


For safe home use with spa results:


Rose Oil Mud Masque is a mineral rich, living earth mixture that detoxifies and exfoliates sensitive and mature skin.


Peppermint Exfoliating Masque is an invigorating facial scrub and is also for elbows and rough skin.  It dissolves blackheads and improves circulation to prevent oily and dead skin buildup.


Both Rose Oil Mud Masque and Peppermint Exfoliating Masque enhance a healthy appearance of damaged, troubled or aging skin.  Experience the many benefits of organically grown healing essential oils:


To order and for more information, go to or call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125.

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Insomnia and Skin Health

Insomnia and Skin Health


Insomnia underlies skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, dry, sagging and aging skin from poor collagen formation.


Deep Sleep is a safe sleep aid that improves the quality and quantity of restful sleep.  Nightly application enhances a peaceful night and productive day.  Deep Sleep has been used successfully in hospitals, clinics and by laymen for over 20 years.


To order and for more information, go to or call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125.

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Skin Care Questions and Answers

Skin Care Questions


 Do the skincare packages include body products?    No, however the therapeutic lotion kits are as follows:

         Rest and Relaxation Kit includes Lavender lotion and Lavender Bath Oil

          More Energy Kit includes Lime-Aid lotion and Peppermint Bath Oil


 What is the best product for a deodorant?

         Lavender Floral Water mister is very cleansing.

     Does it smell strong and last a longtime?

          No, it is very light and the scent will not stay on your clothes.


 I’ve been told I have oil skin, but I get dry patches on my face and arms. What products are best for me?

          I suggest using the Lavender lotion on the arms, legs; and use the Normal Skin Assortment package products on your face.


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Endocrine Disruptors in Cosmetics

Endocrine disrupters in Cosmetics


Most toiletries and cosmetics contain “endocrine disruptors.” Products that list “fragrance,” triclosan, microban and antibacterial soaps contain phthalates.


These synthetic chemicals block normal hormonal function and scramble chemical messengers. These contaminates suppress immune function, cause diabetes, obesity, infertility, hyperactivity, low IQ and low thyroid. When these chemicals are absorbed by a fetus or an infant, they alter how their organs develop, which cannot be reversed.


The tiniest amounts of diethyl phthalates hijack hormone receptors and block synthesis of our natural hormones. They are evident in mother’s milk and should be pulled from the market. Presently, these chemicals are not always listed on toiletries.


Other products containing endocrine disruptors include separators in moisturizers, rigid water bottles, flame retardants and “emerging chemicals.” These include Teflon, Gore-Tex and Scotchguard. The U.S. government has not banned any hazardous chemicals. The EPA tried to ban asbestos in 1989 and failed. It is the consumers’ responsibility to avoid products containing chemical endocrine disruptors and demand that they be banned from the market. Europe did this through the REACH program 10 years ago with many beneficial results.


Aromahealthtexas offers contaminant free skin and haircare products using organically grown essential oils and nonhazardous ingredients. Therapeutic topical blends assist your body’s natural healing processes and include these aromablends: Toxic Thyroid, Detox , Regenerate and Environmental in concentrates and sprays.


For more information go to or call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125 for questions or consultations.


Endocrine disrupters in Cosmetics


Most toiletries and cosmetics contain “endocrine disruptors.” Products that list “fragrance,” triclosan, microban and antibacterial soaps contain phthalates.


These synthetic chemicals block normal hormonal function and scramble chemical messengers. These contaminates suppress immune function, cause diabetes, obesity, infertility, hyperactivity, low IQ and low thyroid. When these chemicals are absorbed by a fetus or an infant, they alter how their organs develop, which cannot be reversed.


The tiniest amounts of diethyl phthalates hijack hormone receptors and block synthesis of our natural hormones. They are evident in mother’s milk and should be pulled from the market. Presently, these chemicals are not always listed on toiletries.


Other products containing endocrine disruptors include separators in moisturizers, rigid water bottles, flame retardants and “emerging chemicals.” These include Teflon, Gore-Tex and Scotchguard. The U.S. government has not banned any hazardous chemicals. The EPA tried to ban asbestos in 1989 and failed. It is the consumers’ responsibility to avoid products containing chemical endocrine disruptors and demand that they be banned from the market. Europe did this through the REACH program 10 years ago with many beneficial results.


Aromahealthtexas offers contaminant free skin and haircare products using organically grown essential oils and nonhazardous ingredients. Therapeutic topical blends assist your body’s natural healing processes and include these aromablends: Toxic Thyroid, Detox , Regenerate and Environmental in concentrates and sprays.


For more information go to or call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125 for questions or consultations.


Endocrine disrupters in Cosmetics


Most toiletries and cosmetics contain “endocrine disruptors.” Products that list “fragrance,” triclosan, microban and antibacterial soaps contain phthalates.


These synthetic chemicals block normal hormonal function and scramble chemical messengers. These contaminates suppress immune function, cause diabetes, obesity, infertility, hyperactivity, low IQ and low thyroid. When these chemicals are absorbed by a fetus or an infant, they alter how their organs develop, which cannot be reversed.


The tiniest amounts of diethyl phthalates hijack hormone receptors and block synthesis of our natural hormones. They are evident in mother’s milk and should be pulled from the market. Presently, these chemicals are not always listed on toiletries.


Other products containing endocrine disruptors include separators in moisturizers, rigid water bottles, flame retardants and “emerging chemicals.” These include Teflon, Gore-Tex and Scotchguard. The U.S. government has not banned any hazardous chemicals. The EPA tried to ban asbestos in 1989 and failed. It is the consumers’ responsibility to avoid products containing chemical endocrine disruptors and demand that they be banned from the market. Europe did this through the REACH program 10 years ago with many beneficial results.


Aromahealthtexas offers contaminant free skin and haircare products using organically grown essential oils and nonhazardous ingredients. Therapeutic topical blends assist your body’s natural healing processes and include these aromablends: Toxic Thyroid, Detox , Regenerate and Environmental in concentrates and sprays.


For more information go to or call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125 for questions or consultations.


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Healthy Gums

Healthy gums do not bleed when flossed and brushed. A healthy color is pink, not red. The gums are not swollen or receded. Teeth are not loose. Gum Blend is a topical lightly aromatic blend designed to enhance healthy gums and oral health. It is an adjunct to regular dental visits, flossing and brushing.

For more info:

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Rejuvenating Hair Loss, and Balding

Rejuvenating Hair Loss, and Balding

Hair growth can take 3 to 6 months to fully respond to a healthy lifestyle, hormone re-balance and nutritional support. Aroma Health Texas offers healthy hair nutrients in Rosemary Shampoo, More Hair Complete Conditioner. Other blends can also help hair growth by reducing all forms of Hair Stress and Stress related issues and they can be managed with these blends: Reduce Stress, and Hair loss from radiation and chemotherapy is reduced with Recovery. Allergies and chemical treatments are helped by Environmental; Thyroid disorders are modified with Toxic Thyroid.  Hormonal imbalance, often androgen sensitivity, is helped by Female Balance and More Hair Complete Conditioner.

The Aroma blends are topical, nontoxic and complementary with medicine and nutrients, for more information just click above on Aroma blends.



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Skin Care for Winter Weather

Skin Care for Winter Weather


Dry winter wind and low humidity cause skin to be dry, flaky and lusterless. Cold weather also causes blood vessels near the skin to constrict causing skin to shrink and dry out.


AromaHealthTexas offers several skin care remedies from head to toe.


Rose Gardenia Day Moisturizer keeps the face radiant and soft. True organic rose oil heals and compliments every skin type.


Nighttime protection includes:

Sweet Annie Wrinkle and Skin Softening Cream  & Sweet Annie Under Eye Cream


Moisture loss increases at night. However the Sweet Annie creams contain allantoin which rejuvenates new skin as it protects and moisturizes.


Body skin can be healed and moisturized with soothing aloe-based Lavender Body LotionLime-Aid Lotion contains antiseptic properties to protect against viruses and harmful germs. It is an excellent treatment for stretch marks and scars. 

Very Vanilla Lotion moistens, protects and soothes dry skin conditions.


All AromaHealthTexas products are paraben free, designed to regenerate healthy, youthful skin and love of life.


For consultation with Dr. Judy Griffin, please call 1-800-496-2125

For more information and to purchase products go to:



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Hair Loss and Hair Growth

Hair loss occurs when hair follicles are stuck in the resting stage of their natural cycle. Hormone imbalance and menopause are the main source of hair loss and thinning in women. High levels of free testosterone or dihydrotestosterone are the primary cause of male pattern baldness. Stress, thyroid disorders, crash dieting, chemotherapy, nutritional deficiencies, medications, genetics and imbalance of G.I. microflora also increase hair loss.


Rosemary essential oil stimulates circulation to the scalp and prevents hair loss:

 Aroma Health 

Rosemary Shampoo rich in nutrients supports healthy hair and hair growth.

More Hair Complete Conditioner prevents breakage and contains essential oils to promote hair growth.

Hairgrowth Aromablend is a penetrating, concentrated blend of essential oils and Petite fleur Essences successfully used to promote hair growth, prevent hair loss and retard alopecia, an autoimmune cause of hair loss.


For more information and to purchase these products:


For nutritional consultation and support call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125


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Pure Organic Rose Oil Skin Care


By Judy Griffin PhD.


Pure organic rose oil skin care cleanses and heals every skin type. Rose oil and it’s distillate Rose Floral Water cleans as it protects the natural PH and protective shield of the skin. Pure organic rose oil skin care contains no hexane or synthetic additives.  cleans as it protects the natural PH and protective shield of the skin. Pure organic contains no hexane or synthetic additives. 


I organically grow and distill old roses on site, using glass to separate the rose oil from it’s distillate. This Rose Floral Water contains some rose essential oil and all it’s healing properties.


Rosa centifolia, from the cabbage rose and Rose damascena, from the damask rose produce the highest grade rose oil. These old roses are highly adaptive to the soil and climate in their environment and bear little resemblance to hybrid roses. Hybrid roses are very lovely and fragrant, but do not contain or produce rose oil.


Many essential oils, including some rose oil, is produced in countries where DDT and pesticides are still legal. This greatly diminishes the healing properties and quality of the essential oil, the same applies to the essential oil derived from cloned plants. Many pounds of rose petals are required to produce one pound of quality rose oil. Shopping based upon price is not recommended.


Pure Organic Rose Oil skin care can benefit psychological as well as physiological imbalances. The aroma of rose oil has a deep, harmonizing effect. Applied to the skin, rose oil heals dry, itchy, inflamed skin and is safe to use on allergy sensitive skin.   I have a rose oil product, Rose Nectar, containing organic honey, rose effleurage and rose water, all produced from my gardens. I have used Rose Nectar successfully on eczema. It also soothes shingles and herpes simplex. The sooner Rose Nectar is applied after onset, the faster the results occur. Rose Nectar has antiseptic properties that help to heal scrapes, burns and wounds. I have clients who used Rose Nectar after surgery to diminish scarring. Even open heart surgery scars healed faster and were greatly diminished after misting Rose Nectar on the area after the bandages were removed. Can benefit psychological as well as physiological imbalances. The aroma of rose oil has a deep, harmonizing effect. Applied to the skin, rose oil heals dry, itchy, inflamed skin and is safe to use on allergy sensitive skin.   I have a rose oil product, containing organic honey, rose effleurage and rose water, all produced from my gardens. I have used. It also soothes shingles and herpes simplex. The sooner Rose Nectar is applied after onset, the faster the results occur.  That helps to heal scrapes, burns and wounds. I have clients who used Rose Nectar after surgery to diminish scarring. Even open heart surgery scars healed faster and were greatly diminished after misting on the area after the bandages were removed.


Psychologically, pure organic rose oil reduces mild depression, relaxes and reduces fear and can stimulate sensuality. Rose oil makes women feel more feminine and lovable, and men feel more sensitive and passionate. Whatever mood occurs, rose oil creates more harmony and pleasure.


Pure organic rose oil skin care can take years off skin. It is very hydrating, plumping the skin and releasing wrinkles. I make a Rose Geranium Deep Pore Cleanser that gently exfoliates as it deep cleanses. For best results, allow Rose Geranium Deep Pore Cleanser to dry before rinsing, and then pat the skin dry with a soft towel. Rose Gardenia Sun Block Cream is a light moisturizing day cream that reaches into the tissues to moisten and plump the skin. It leaves a radiant texture to the skin, reducing wrinkles and aging. As the skin drinks in the moisture provided by the pure rose oil, rose gardenia refreshes and rejuvenates the skin with anti-oxidant protection from free radical assault and harsh sun rays. That gently exfoliates as it deep cleanses. For best results, allow drying before rinsing, and then pat the skin dry with a soft towel.  is a light moisturizing day cream that reaches into the tissues to moisten and plump the skin. It leaves a radiant texture to the skin, reducing wrinkles and aging. As the skin drinks in the moisture provided by the pure rose oil, rose gardenia refreshes and rejuvenates the skin with anti-oxidant protection from free radical assault and harsh sun rays.


Rose Oil Skin Therapy is designed for troubled acne prone and oily skin. It mists on the face and skin wherever trouble occurs. Rose Oil Skin Therapy cleanses clogged pores preventing natural oil and dead skin release. It contains lavender and carrot seed and other healing essential oils to assist in balance the ph and producing healthy vibrant skin. Rose Oil Skin Therapy clarifies pores without leaving a residue. Mist the face and skin at least 3 times daily. Is designed for troubled acne prone and oily skin. It mists on the face and skin wherever trouble occurs. Rose Oil Skin Therapy cleanses clogged pores preventing natural oil and dead skin release. It contains lavender and carrot seed and other healing essential oils to assist in balance the ph and producing healthy vibrant skin.  clarifies pores without leaving a residue. Mist the face and skin at least 3 times daily.


Power Cleanser and Clarifier Spray, rose and lemon oils, is an antibacterial, mild astringent that dissolves blackheads, reduces over production of oil and soothes redness and irritation. This Lemon Rose combination reduces sports acne skin and clears acne sores on the back, shoulders and the face. Power Cleanser and Clarifier Spray produce clear, toned skin and reduce inflammation. , rose and lemon oils, is an antibacterial, mild astringent that dissolves blackheads, reduces over production of oil and soothes redness and irritation. This Lemon Rose combination reduces sports acne skin and clears acne sores on the back, shoulders and the face.  Produces clear, toned skin and reduces inflammation.


Rose Oil Mud Masque stimulates cellular renewal and improves hydration of every skin type. Made from microfine minerals, it gently removes old, damaged skin and provided enriched compounds of pure rose oil to enhance circulation. Rose Oil Mud Masque is nonirritating, nonsensitizing and safe for all skin types. Stimulates cellular renewal and improves hydration of every skin type. Made from microfine minerals, it gently removes old, damaged skin and provided enriched compounds of pure rose oil to enhance circulation. .


Although every pure rose oil skin care product assists in healing thread veins, Spider Veins is a sweet almond oil blend of rose and other essential oils that help reduce thread veins over time. Apply directly on thread veins twice daily. Spider Veins help regulate the activity of capillaries and restores vitality to the skin.  Is a sweet almond oil blend of rose and other essential oils that help reduce thread veins over time. Apply directly on thread veins twice daily. . 


To order or for more information, please go to 

Call me at 1-800-496-2125 if you have any questions. . Call me at 1-800-496-2125 if you have any questions.


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