Petite Fleur therapeutic aromablends reduce Nocebo effect

For the past 35 years Harmony and Relaxation therapeutic blends have been used successfully in patient care to reduce the Nocebo effect. The blends are used before and after chemotherapy and cancer treatment at Baylor Hospital's Healing Environment program in Dallas and Irving Texas Patient care began with bone marrow and stem cell patents and quickly spread throughout all departments, including speech therapy. Topical application allows the aromas to be used with other modalities.

The Nocebo effect occurs when expectations and negative suggestions cause symptoms or illness to occur. Nocebo effect is both biochemical and physiological, displaying with a variety of cues. Cortisol and histamine levels dramatically increase, targeting adrenal and hypothalamus involvement. Recently, Ted Kaptchuk at Harvard medical, proved Nocebo occurs without conscious awareness.

 Therapeutic aroma blends lessen anxiety and unconscious responses. I have clinically used Harmony and Reduce Stress essences in the United Kingdom and USA for over 25 years to balance a full spectrum of stress. These aromas change brain chemistry within seconds affecting moods and fears. Given a repose from the stress response, the brain can adjust to homeostasis.

For more information, contact Judy Griffin PhD. 8172935410


Source includes: The Scientist: Worried Sick, by Megan Scudellari, July 2013

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