Unique and Bold

Unique and Bold


            Black pepper, Piper nigrum, is one of the strengthening and stimulating essential oils.  It is valued for its action more than aroma.  The plant has been used medicinally for over 4,000 years in its native Asian countries.  Black pepper  is an attractive vine with heart shaped leaves.  White, tiny flowers develop into red, then black berries.  Steam distillation of the unripe fruit yields a pale essential oil.  The dry peppercorns are first crushed to expose the volatile oils to heat and steam.  Commercial production is predominantly in India and Indonesia.  Pepper is believed to be native to India, where it grows 16 feet tall, appearing as a trailing shrub.  The essential oil is so bold and strong; it is used in only 1 per cent dilutions, or less, in a blend.  One drop can transform a blend or perfume into a very unique combination.  Similarly, as a spice, black pepper transformed culinary taste into an art of seasoning.  Although, it is known for its medicinal effects, 1 drop in a perfume will sedate an overly sweet or floral blend.  An exotic blend of essential oil spices in an Oriental blend is magnified with 1 drop of black pepper.  In culinary use, black pepper immediately affects the tip of the tongue.  In aromatherapy, black pepper reaches within to stimulate the mind and possibly a cold heart.


Fruit of the Orient Blend


            In 1 ounce of jojoba oil, add the following essential oils:

                        15 drops of Pink Grapefruit or Sweet Orange

                          5 drops of Coriander

                          1 drop of Nutmeg

                          1 drop of Black pepper

            Allow to cure 3 days in dark glass with a tight fitting screw cap.  For best results, allow 3 weeks for the blend to marry.  Apply as a perfume for a pick-me-up during daytime, or at night as an invitation….

            Black pepper adds a mysterious effect to vanilla.  In this perfume, bitter orange yields an interesting versatility to the sweetness of vanilla.  The blend will calm fears and open the mind to new adventures in life.  Be certain to use bergamot, bitter orange, that is free from furocumarin to avoid skin irritation.


New Mood Aroma


            In ½ ounce perfume alcohol (190 proof) or jojoba oil add the following essential oils:

                        20 drops of Bergamot

                          1 drop of Vanilla

                          1 drop of Black pepper

                          5 drops of Rose

            Cure up to 3 weeks for best effects in dark glass with a tight fitting screw cap.  Adjust the blend by adding 2 to 5 more drops of rose or bergamot.

            For spiritual guidance, black pepper can be combined with Sandalwood, jasmine and rose.


Wings of Consciousness


            In ½ ounce of jojoba oil, add the following essential oils:

                        10 drops of Rose (May I suggest Morrocan rose?)

                          1 drop of Black Pepper

                          3 drops of Sandalwood

                          6 drops of Sambuc Jasmine

            Bottle in dark glass with a tight fitting screw cap.  Allow to cure 3 to 4 weeks.  Open the blend once a week and note your sensations and response to the blend as it unites into a unique aroma flavor.

            As a beauty agent, black pepper is very useful in cellulite blends.  It stimulates detoxification and circulation.


Cellulite Rub


            In 2 ounces of carrier oil, add the following essential oils:

                        20 drops of Rosemary

                        10 drops of Lemongrass

                          2 drops of Black pepper

                          5 drops of Grapefruit

            Allow to cure 3 days in a dark glass bottle with a tight fitting screw cap. 

            Massage onto clean skin after a warm shower or bath.  Vigorously work the blend into areas affected by cellulite for several minutes.  Avoid broken or chapped, sensitive skin.  Each day massage a new area until all the cellulite has been touched by this blend.  Drink 48 ounces or more of pure water daily during the cleanse.  Repeat the massages every week continuously invigorating the cellulite to remove fluids holding onto too fat tissue.

            For best results, challenge the associated muscles with tonifying and strengthening exercise.  Modify the diet to include many alkalying vegetables and reduce fats to 20 per cent or less of your daily foods.  Pure fish oils, devoid of PCB’s and mercury will help build lean muscle by balancing hormones and cellular energy needs.

            To encourage healthy muscles and tendons, enjoy the following sports massage blend after exercise and workouts.


Invigorating Massage Blend


            In 2 ounces of sweet almond oil, add the following essential oils:

                          2 drops of Cedarwood

                          2 drops of Ginger

                          2 drops of Black pepper

                        10 drops of Sage (Spanish)

                          3 drops of Vetiver

                          5 drops of Peppermint

                          5 drops of Orange

            Allow to cure 3 days in a dark glass bottle with a tight fitting screw cap.  Massage onto the body after a shower for several minutes.  Massage from the feet and hands towards the heart.  Avoid broken or chapped skin.  Apply warm or cool packs after a complete massage to encourage lymphatic drainage and removal of lactic acid from the blood.

            To stimulate sluggish digestion and bowels, combine black pepper with cardamom, coriander and fennel.


Abdominal Massage


            In 1 ounce of carrier oil, add the following essential oils:

                          1 drop of Black pepper

                          1 drop of Ginger root

                        15 drops of fennel

                          5 drops of Coriander

                          5 drops of Cardamom

            Bottle in dark glass with a tight fitting screw cap.  Allow to cure overnight, or up to 3 days.  Massage onto the tummy before meals in a clockwise motion.  This blend can also be helpful to warm cold hands and feet.

            The profoundly warming properties of black pepper make it very useful to prevent muscle wasting.  It is also used for those suffering with palsy, or shaking.


Muscle Wasting Blend


            In 2 ounces of carrier oil, add the following essential oils:

                          2 drops of Ginger root

                          2 drops of Black pepper

                          5 drops of Cypress

                        10 drops of Juniper

                          2 drops of Cedarwood

                          2 drops of Angelica root

                          5 drops of Lemon

            Bottle in dark glass with a tight fitting screw cap.  Allow to cure 3 days.  Massage limbs, traveling towards the heart; the back, chest and abdomen may also be massaged.  Continue daily use until symptoms stop.  Then reduce usage to once or twice weekly.  Avoid irritated, chapped or broken skin.

            Note:  Black pepper may irritate gastric reflux when applied near or on the stomach and esophageal area.  Always do a test patch before applying a blend to the skin containing black pepper.



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