Foods and Gout

Purines in Foods to avoid Gout Symptoms
I.    Highest Concentration: Avoid
 Liver, Kidney, Sweetmeats, Brains, Heart, Meat Extracts (Consomme)
 Fish: Herring, Salmon, Fatty Fish, Shellfish including Crab, Lobster and Shrimp
II.    Moderate Concentrations: Once or twice weekly if no inflammation present
 Meats: Chicken, Turkey, (white meat is best), Game Meats
 Legumes: Lentils, peas and beans
 Vegetables: Mushrooms (all kinds), Asparagus, Cauliflower, Spinach,
 Whole Grains
    Note:  When uric acid levels are high or inflammation occurs, reduce fats, even nuts, because fats   restrict uric acid excretion.
III.     Foods to Eat including fruits and vegetables not mentioned above
 Dairy Products: Milk, lower fat Cheeses
 Nuts, seeds and nut butters
 Pasta and refined breads excluding croissants
 Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Carbonated Beverages
 Non-fatty desserts, Tapioca
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Please call 1-800-496-2125 for a phone consultation or personal appointment with Dr. Griffin.
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